Canvas Tips and Tricks 2022-2023 #20
June 19, 2023 • Uncategorized
Linking Articles in a Canvas Course
- There are several benefits to linking articles to the HSC library:
- By using the permalink provided through the library website, the link in your course will never change.
- When an article is linked, the library staff can see the resource’s usage and consider whether the resource is worth renewing.
- HSC meets its contractual obligations to its vendors.
- Please note that this does not apply to:
- Articles posted directly on a website (Example).
- Government reports
- Federal reports are public domain
- State reports are not public domain. Look for permissions and/or limitations.
- Navigate to the Gibson D. Lewis Library home page. Click E-Books & Catalog, which will search all resources available to the library.
- So that it recognizes you as an HSC faculty or staff member, sign in at the upper right corner using your HSC username and password.
- Click on the article title to open.
- Best practices recommend including the citation with the link. Click Cite and select your preferred citation style. Paste the citation in the desired location in your Canvas course.
- Return to the catalog and click Share (next to the Cite button)
- Click copy link. If available, do not use the PDF link.
- Insert the link onto the citation in Canvas.
- By clicking the Save button (next to the Share button), the article will be in your Saved Items list.
- Success! You have just utilized best practices by correctly inserting a journal article into a Canvas course!
This article is also available in the Canvas Solutions Help Sheets.
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