Division of Academic Innovation
June 2, 2023
Global Accessibility Awareness Day May 18th was Global Accessibility Awareness Day. In preparation for the day the Division of Academic Innovation updated their website Accessibility page. The new page provides information on a variety of topics, including: Canvas Accessibility Tools Platform Accessibility Features Creating Accessible Documents Accessibility Resources The DAI accessibility specialist will continue to…
May 8, 2023
Lockdown Browser + Monitor Show Your Work Feature For some assessments, students are allowed a sheet of paper to perform calculations or organize their thought before entering their answers on the assessment. As the instructor, Lockdown Browser + Monitor provides you the opportunity to view these worksheets at the end of the assessment through the…
April 24, 2023
Creating Accessible PowerPoint Presentations Providing accessible content benefits individuals with disabilities, as well as others. Accessible content provides individuals with digital content that is easy to understand, navigate, and interact with. Creating accessible content is easier than ever as many applications provide an in-app accessibility checker. As you create new or update current PowerPoints, below…
April 11, 2023
Using Canvas Studio for Assignments Students: Did you know that you can use Canvas Studio to submit assignments requiring a video? Though there are many benefits of using Canvas Studio to submit your video assignments, a primary benefit is that it avoids extended upload times or the need to compress large video files. First, click…
April 11, 2023
How do I create a Canvas Studio video quiz? In the last Canvas Tips and Tricks, Canvas Studio was introduced. One of the many features of Canvas Studio is the integrated video quiz. Instructors can add multiple choice, true/false, and multiple answer questions within the video. The quizzes can be non-graded, such as a concept…
April 11, 2023
Introduction to Canvas Studio The Canvas Studio video creation tool is now available to all Canvas users. Canvas Studio can be accessed through the Canvas Studio icon in the Canvas Global Navigation, Clicking on the Canvas Studio icon will take you to My Library in Canvas Studio. In the upper right hand corner, you will…
April 11, 2023
Ease of Navigation: Providing a RoadMap for Canvas Course Content Have you ever entered a Canvas course (not your own) and thought to yourself, “how do I access the course content?” Many students think the very same thing when entering a Canvas course. How can we as instructors provide the clearest “roadmap” for students as…
April 10, 2023
Canvas Studio Discussions Recently Canvas Tips and Tricks introduced Canvas Studio. This week we will introduce using Canvas Studio for course discussions. Canvas Studio can be used for both graded and ungraded discussions. The ungraded discussion is useful as a knowledge check through course videos. First, navigate to Canvas Studio in the Canvas global navigation.…
January 23, 2023
Clearing the Web Browser Cache Have you ever “cleaned-up” your web browser? It is considered good practice to periodically clear the cache in the web browser. How often depends on the frequency that the web browser is used and what sites are visited. However, the beginning of each semester would be a good time to…
January 9, 2023
Navigating the Canvas Dashboard With the new semester underway, this week’s Canvas Tips and Tricks provides a refresher on navigating the Canvas Dashboard. Students: Only published courses will show on your dashboard. Unpublished courses will be listed under Future Enrollments under the Courses icon in the Global Navigation. Once published the course will automatically move…
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