National College Health Assessment II 2018

The ACHA-National College Health Assessment II is a nationally recognized survey that assists college health service providers, educators, counselors, wellness programmers, and administrators in collecting data about their students’ health habits. The survey provides a comprehensive picture on student health behaviors, perceptions of health, and identifies prevalent health issues on campus. The topic area of this survey consists of alcohol, tobacco, drug use, sexual health, weight management, exercise, nutrition, mental health, personal safety and violence. Different campus communities vary in need, and these data collected provides invaluable feedback on how we can better provide relevant resources, services, and programs for our campus community.

To support the recommendations and the requirements of the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA) and Drug Abuse and Alcohol Prevention Program (DAAPP), this biennial survey influences campus policies that address the possession, use and distribution of alcohol and illicit drugs, as well as drug and alcohol prevention programming on campus. More information on DFSCA and DAAPP can be found HERE.

Below are the key findings and action items based off the National College Health Assessment II 2018 survey results. A full executive summary can be found HERE.

Survey Respondent Demographic

  • 21.1% of UNTHSC students participated in this survey (477 survey responses)
    • 72.5% Female
    • 26.4% Male
    • 1.1% Non-binary

General Health of College Students

  • 90.6% of college students described their health as good, very good, or excellent.
  • Within the last 12 months, the proportion of students reported being treated or diagnosed for a condition by a medical professional were:
    • 14.5% Allergies
    • 12.3% Sinus infections
    • 10.4% Urinary tract infections
    • 8.1% Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
    • 7.9% Psychiatric condition
    • 5.3% Chronic illness (e.g., cancer, diabetes, auto-immune disorders)

Disease and Injury Prevention

  • 57.4% reported receiving vaccination against Human Papillomavirus/HPV (cervical cancer vaccine).
  • 68.1% reported having a dental exam in the last 12 months.
  • 36.8% of males reported performing a testicular self-exam in the last 30 days.
  • 47.2% of females reported performing a breast self-exam in the last 30 days
  • 60.8% of females reported having a routine gynecological exam in the last 12 months
  • 35.2% of students reported ever being tested for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection

Disease and Injury Prevention Action Items

  • Initiatives to increase access to condoms on campus for students who need them
  • Increase marketing of services offered at the Student Health Clinic on campus, e.g., STI testing, routine health check-ups, etc.
  • To destigmatize issues related to sexual health and bring awareness to the importance of sexual health and routine health measures. Utilize social media, infographics posted on campus, OrgSync, and the daily news.

Academic Impacts

  • Within the last 12 months, students reported the following factors negatively impacting their individual academic performance:
    • 24.8% Anxiety
    • 11.6% Concern for a troubled friend or family member
    • 11.3% Depression
    • 10.2% Relationship difficulties
    • 15.5% Sleep difficulties
    • 30.1% Stress

Academic Impacts Action Items

  • The “Go Relax” event will continue to be hosted twice a semester, providing students with opportunities to participate in healthy evidence based methods of positive stress management, and produce an environment conducive to building relationships with other students.
  • Infographics and educational materials related to relationship building, stress management, resources from the Office of Wellness Services and the Student Health Clinic will be distributed across campus.
  • Question, Persuade, and Refer (QPR) suicide prevention training sessions will be scheduled throughout the academic year.

Violence, Abusive Relationships and Personal Safety

  • Within the last 12 months, students reported experiencing:
    • 9.9% A verbal threat
    • 3.4% Sexual touching without their consent
    • 1.5% Sexual penetration attempt without their consent
    • 2.7% Stalking
    • 5.1% An emotionally abusive intimate relationship
  • 51.1% of college students felt very safe on campus at night and 26.8% felt very safe in the community surrounding campus at night.

Violence, Abusive Relationships and Personal Safety

  • Regularly (weekly) scheduled, free, self-defense training will be open to all students, faculty, and staff on campus.
  • Scheduled lunch and learn presentations, in collaboration with the UNTHSC police department, on de-escalation techniques and safety measures to reduce risk of physical violence.
  • Infographics and educational materials related to consent, stalking, sexual assault and abuse, and campus and community resources will be distributed across campus
  • Scheduled lunch and learn presentations, stalking (on how to identify abusive relationships), and information on available campus and community resources.
  • Development of a resource center to align violence prevention and healthy relationships information and services.

Tobacco, Alcohol, and Marijuana Use

  • Tobacco Use
    • 2.3% of students reported use of cigarettes in the last 30 days, whereas perceived student use was 41%
    • 2.7% of students reported use of E-cigarettes in the last 30 days, whereas perceived student use was 46.6%
    • 1.3% of students reported use of hookah pipe in the last 30 days, whereas perceived student use was 37.7%
  • Alcohol
    • 72.4% of students reported consuming alcohol in the last 30 days and 60.8% reported consumption within the last 1-9 days of taking the survey.
    • 19.7% of students reported consuming 5 or more drinks the last time they “partied” or socialized
      • In the two weeks preceding the survey, 16.8% of the students reported having at least one occasion of consuming 5 or more drinks in one sitting.
    • Students reported doing the following most of the time or always when they “partied” or socialized (of those who drank in the last 12 months):
      • 38.7% had a friend tell them they have had enough to drink.
      • 22.5% did something they regretted.
      • 18.4% forgot where they were or what they did.
      • 1.1% had sex without consent.
      • 16.3% had unprotected sex.
      • 2.7% seriously considered suicide.
  • Marijuana
    • 18.8% have reported using marijuana at some point and 4.7% reported use within the last 30 days of taking the survey.
    • 4.7% of students reported using marijuana within the last 30 days, whereas student perceived use of marijuana was 50.3%. 
  • Prescription Drugs
    • In the last 12 months, 6.1% of students reported taking prescription drugs that were not prescribed to them.
      • Prescription drugs included antidepressants, erectile dysfunction drugs, pain killers, sedatives, and stimulants.

Tobacco, Alcohol, and Marijuana Action Items

  • Infographics and educational materials covering:
    • Safe social drinking strategies.
    • How alcohol and illicit drugs impact consent, sexual health and behavior.
    • National educational resources for drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.
    • How alcohol impacts sleep, cognitive functioning, and memory (blacking out).
    • Positive stress management strategies as alternatives to drugs and alcohol.
    • Flyers and infographics of campus social norms will be distributed to students to close the gap between perceived and observed use of drugs and alcohol.  
  • Transit 101, in collaboration with the Office of Sustainability, events outlining public transportation, as opposed to driving while intoxicated, in the Fort Worth area.

Sexual Behavior

  • 74.4% of students had at least one sexual partner in the last 12 months.
  • 47.4% have had oral, vaginal, or anal sex in the last 30 days
  • 59.4% of students who are sexually active reported using condom “mostly or always” when engaging in oral sex, vaginal or anal intercourse.
  • 62.5% of students reported using at least one method of contraception.
  • 9.8% of sexually active students reported using emergency contraception within the last 12 months.

Sexual Behavior Action Items

  • Healthy relationship campaigns throughout the year will focus on relationships and consent.
  • Recognition of Condom Week, in order to increase access to free condoms for safer sex practices.
  • Infographics and educational materials will be distributed on campus covering:
    • How alcohol and illicit drugs impact consent, sexual health, and behavior.
    • Safe sex practices, contraception use, and campus and community resources for STI testing.

Nutrition and Exercise

  • 61.2% of students reported eating 1-2 servings of fruits or vegetables per day.
  • 64.4% of students engage in moderate intensity exercise 1-4 days a week.
  • 49.5% of students do not engage in any vigorous-intensity exercise.
  • 32.0% of students engage in the recommended amount of exercise set by the American College of Sports Medicine.
  • 32.3% of students are classified as overweight or obese, according to Body Mass Index (BMI).

Nutrition and Exercise Action Items

  • Promotion of Refuel meal pick-up location at UNTHSC Fitness Center.
  • Promotion of free group exercise weeks to students, faculty, and staff.
  • Regularly (weekly) scheduled, free, self-defense training will be available to all students, faculty, and staff on campus.
  • A comprehensive healthy lifestyle modification cohort (Wellness Warriors) open to students, faculty, and staff, will take applications twice a year.
  • Lunch and learn events will be scheduled to cover nutritional information.
  • Fitness Center membership fees offered at a discounted rate for students, faculty, and staff.
  • Wellness Coaching opportunities available to students, faculty, and staff.

Mental Health

  • In the last 12 months, students reported experiencing the following in the last 12 months:
    • 40.8% Hopelessness
    • 90.7% Overwhelmed
    • 90.6% Exhausted (not from physical activity)
    • 58.2% Loneliness
    • 30.5% Felt so depressed it was difficult to function
    • 60.3% Felt overwhelming anxiety
    • 6.0% Seriously considered suicide
  • In the last 12 months, students reported being diagnosed or treated by a professional in the last 12 months for the following:
    • 16.4% Anxiety
    • 10.4% Depression
    • 6.6% Panic Attacks
  • In the last 12 months, 67.3% of students reported their overall level of stress to be more than average or tremendous.

Mental Health Action Items

  • Question, Persuade, and Refer (QPR) suicide prevention training sessions will be scheduled throughout the academic year.
  • The “Go Relax” event will continue to be hosted twice a semester, providing students with opportunities to participate in healthy evidence based methods of positive stress management, and produce an environment conducive to building relationships with other students.
  • Continued non-clinical case management support from the Care Team for academic, emotional, and physical concerns.
  • Intramural activities will be sponsored by the fitness center to promote mental, physical, and social well-being.
  • Infographic and educational materials related to self-care, mental wellness, and campus and community resources will be distributed on campus.
  • Promotion of 24/7 in the moment counseling available through the Student Assistance Program.


  • In the 7 days preceding the survey:
    • 40% of students reported getting enough sleep to feel rested in the morning 2 or less days.
    • 61.6% of students reported feeling tired during the day 3 or more days.
    • 91.6% of students reported sleepiness being a problem during daytime activities.

Sleep Action Items

  • Recognition of National Sleep Awareness Week:
    • Scheduled lunch and learn on general sleep health.
    • Campus wide sleep challenge with a follow-up Q&A with sleep log results.
  • Infographic and educational materials including sleep tips and consequences acute and chronic sleep deprivation, to be distributed on campus.
  • Time management lunch and learn to help reduce stress and create more time for sleep and self-care.