Faculty/Staff Resources

This page is intended to provide information on services and processes from the Center for Academic Performance (CAP). If you do not find the information you need here, please email the team at CAP@unthsc.edu.


If you feel a student needs assistance with academic challenges, you can use our refer that student directly to CAP.

  • Can be submitted at any time by anyone through the Student Success Referral Form.
  • A CAP team member will follow up with each student based on particular referral reasons.
  • Senior Learning Specialist will upload a report of students who met with us prior to monthly check-in meetings to ensure an active feedback loop.
  • You will not receive a direct response when submitting a referral form.
  • This form is not for Care Team. If you have a student of concern that you would like someone from the Care Team to reach out, please visit the Care Team page.

Workshops from a CAP team member can be requested. You can see a full list of potential topics and the request form on our CAP Workshops page.

Outreach is done throughout the year for all students. Timelines may vary by program. Outreach is scheduled on a semester basis and follows the general timeline below:

  • 1st week of classes – outreach email to all students to remind them of our services
  • After 1st exam – general outreach
  • After 2nd exam – targeted outreach based on overall course grade
  • Mid-semester – general outreach
  • Further targeted outreach as determined in monthly meetings between CAP and the program. This can be class-wide or individualized.
  • Targeted individual outreach based on Student Success Referrals

Students who wish to have one-one-one tutoring should meet with a Learning Specialist first. The Learning Specialist will determine the need and grant access to tutoring. Students are allowed up to two hours of tutoring per week.

Large Group Tutoring (LGT) is typically done for challenging classes or at the request of the students or program. LGTs are held 2-3 days prior to an exam to provide an overview of the high yield content. All LGTs are dependent on tutor availability.

  • LGTs are peer tutor led.
  • Tutors should email their slides to the course director approximately 2 weeks prior to the LGT.
  • All LGTs are done via Zoom, recorded, and uploaded to the CAP Canvas page.

The Center for Academic Performance Canvas page is a repository of helpful tips and tricks for students to review. Students can find information on study skills, time management, test-taking skills, writing skills, and much more.

All students are placed into a group where they can access announcements, files and recordings, and specific course resources.