College of Biomedical and Translational Sciences

Fort Worth nonprofit supports cancer research at HSC

March 24, 2023 • Uncategorized

Since 2003, Wheels for Wellness, Inc. and a previous foundation with similar goals have donated more than $266,000 to help fund cancer research initiatives at HSC, including the research of Drs. Bruce Bunnell, chair and professor of Molecular Biology, Immunology and Genetics, at HSC’s College of Biomedical and Translational Sciences, and Andras Lacko, emeritus professor. 

The team’s research explores using nanoparticles to deliver anti-cancer medications directly to cholesterol-hungry cancer cells while avoiding damage to healthy cells. Lacko, who recently retired, is still very connected to his work at HSC where research teams continue his cancer research project. 

While support from Wheels for Wellness continues to fund existing research projects, it also opens new opportunities for exploration and discoveries at HSC. 

Earlier this year, Wheels for Wellness delivered another $15,000 donation. 

“Donations such as this one from Wheels for Wellness drive new discoveries and will allow us to explore novel ideas for treatment of prostate cancer, such that we can get excellent preliminary findings for larger federal grant funding in the near future,” Bunnell said. 

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