College of Biomedical and Translational Sciences

Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics

Welcome from the Chairman

Welcome to the Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics at the University of North Texas Health Science Center. I invite you to take a moment to explore this site and learn more about our scientific expertise and what we have to offer to you.

There are twenty-three full-time faculty and two adjunct faculty members in the department; they have diverse research interests spanning molecular genetics, cellular immunology, microbiology, cancer and health disparities. Our research mission is supported by more than $9 million in federal grant funding. We foster a highly collaborative and collegial environment in which the faculty, trainees, and staff work together to advance innovative, cutting-edge scientific discovery related to human health.

The department provides high quality training for students interested in careers in biomedical research or medicine. The goals of our graduate program are (1) to provide a broad and sound education in microbiology, immunology and genetics of human disease and (2) to provide rigorous research training in an environment dedicated to advancing biomedical science. The department has numerous trainees including postdoctoral fellows, students earning DO/PhD, PhD and MS degrees. The trainees and faculty in the department are a cohesive group from diverse backgrounds which fosters scientific innovation and discovery. We support graduate training programs in genetics; cell biology, immunology and microbiology; and biochemistry and cancer biology. Our faculty and trainees also take full advantage of the tremendous breadth of expertise and knowledge across UNTHSC.

On behalf of all of the faculty, staff and students, welcome and thank you for your interest in the department.


Bruce A. Bunnell, Ph.D.