Department of Lifestyle Health Sciences
Coming soon…..
Master of Science, Lifestyle Health Sciences & Coaching
What is Lifestyle Health?
A large body of scientific literature supports a strong relationship between lifestyle habits and health. It is estimated that seventy to eighty percent of chronic disease conditions such as Type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, hypertension, obesity, arthritis and some types of cancer can be directly attributable to lifestyle behaviors. Evidence reveals that optimal management and prevention of these chronic conditions incorporates dietary, exercise, stress management, and smoking cessation interventions. Therefore, healthcare professionals are in a critical position to positively influence the health of their patients/clients by serving as role models and providing practical guidance for healthy lifestyle choices.
Program Director:
Debbie Gillespie MS, RDN, LD 817-735-7638 or
Mailing Address:
UNT Health Science Center
College of Health Professions
Office of the Dean, MET 320A
3500 Camp Bowie Boulevard
Fort Worth, TX 76107
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