Adenike Atanda, PharmD, BCACP, CDCES
Assistant Dean, Office of Pharmacy Student Success and Academic Performance
Associate Professor of Pharmacotherapy
Director of Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences
Education & Experience:
I received my PharmD degree from the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy and completed my PGY1 residency training in pharmacy practice at Valley Health System/Shenandoah University Bernard J. Dunn School of Pharmacy. After my pharmacy practice residency, I completed a PGY2 residency program focused on ambulatory care at the University of Illinois at Chicago. I joined the UNT System College of Pharmacy faculty in August 2016.
Teaching Areas & Interests:
My goal as an educator is to create an environment that promotes creative, collaborative, and conscious learning. I am passionate about improving didactic instruction through active learning and advancing the practice of pharmacy through mentoring.
I currently serve as the director of the Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences (IPPE), and I am responsible for course coordination of the Community Pharmacy Practice IPPE course, the Hospital Pharmacy Practice IPPE course, and the Patient Care Process IPPE course. I also coordinate the Advanced Diabetes Care course and teach in various other courses throughout the pharmacy curriculum.
Previously, I served as the Residency Program Director for the institution’s PGY2 Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Residency Program and precepted pharmacy residents in geriatric medicine and academia.
Professional Activities & Awards:
As a Board-Certified Ambulatory Care Specialist and Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist, my practice interests include chronic disease state management with a focus on diabetes and sickle cell anemia management. I have practiced as a clinical pharmacist in ambulatory care for over 8 years, and most recently practiced at the HSC Health Center for Older Adults where I provided pharmacotherapy management services under a board approved collaborative drug therapy management protocol (CDTM). I also served as the director and quality coordinator for the HSC Health Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES) program.
I am an active member of American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP), American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP), Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists (ADCES), Phi Lambda Sigma Leadership Society (PLS), Texas Society of Health-System Pharmacists (TSHP) and Alpha Zeta Omega (AZO) pharmaceutical fraternity.
Since joining HSC, it has been an honor to have receive the following awards: Outstanding Faculty Achievement Award for Clinical Care (2023), Pharmacy Phi Lambda Sigma Pharmacy Leadership Society Guiding Star Award (2023), HSC College of Pharmacy Innovative Assessment Award (2018 and 2023), HSC Career Center Partner Award (2021), Valubility of the Month (2018 and 2019) and APPE Faculty Preceptor of the Year (2018).
Scholarly Interests:
My clinical research interests include chronic disease state management and Geriatric care. Regarding the scholarship of teaching and learning, I have an interest in team-based learning, professional development and advancement of technology in the classroom.
Relevant Publications:
Camp K, Hartos J and Atanda A. Use of Clinical Practice Guidelines and Quality Metrics to Assess Primary Care Management of Osteoporosis. Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine. 2023; 9: 1-6.
White A, Wettergreen S, Nandy K, & Atanda, A. Assessing stress among pharmacy faculty at five schools: Preliminary lessons learned and coping strategies recommended. Pharmacy Education. 2023; 23(1): 465–478.
Palasik B, Hodge C, Benavides T, Hulsizer, A, Atanda A. Innovative Approach to Career Pathway Mentorship for Pharmacy Postgraduate Training. Pharmacy Education. 2023; 23(1): 127 – 131
Palasik BN, Cho HJ, Atanda A, Yuet WC. An Escape Room Activity to Teach Transitions-of-Care: Student Perceptions and Lessons Learned. Pharmacy Education. 2022; 22(1): 664 – 671
Atanda A, Deidra L and Wesling M. A review of billing opportunities for outpatient pharmacists in the state of Texas. Texas Journal of Health System Pharmacy. 2021;20(1):12-17
Howard M, Atanda A, Gaviola M. A multi-pronged approach to teaching palliative and end-of-life care to student pharmacists. Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. 2021: 1-9
Atanda A, Shapiro NL, Groo V. Clinic-based PCSK9 inhibitor consultation service. In: Castelli G, ed. ACCP Ambulatory Care Pharmacist’s Survival Guide. 4th ed. Lenexa, KS: American College of Clinical Pharmacy; 2019:65-68 (eBook)
Gaviola M, Atanda A, Howard M, Yuet WC. A systematic approach to team creation and peer evaluation in a large classroom. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning. 2019; 11(12): 1231-1238.
Atanda A, Shapiro NL, Stubbings J, Groo V. Implementation of a new clinic based, pharmacist managed PCSK9 inhibitor consultation service. J Manag Care Spec Pharm. 2017;23(9):918-925
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