CPH alum receives prestigious award

November 7, 2012 • Uncategorized

Congratulations go to CPH alum Cara Hamann (MPH, Spring ’06), now pursuing her doctoral degree in epidemiology at the Iowa College of Public Health, who has been named the recipient of the highly competitive Best Student Paper Award by the Injury Control and Emergency Health Services (ICEHS) section of the American Public Health Association. Her winning paper was titled “Case-site-control-site study of on-road bicycle fatalities and bicycle crashes in Iowa, 2007-2010.”

According to a recent article published in the Association of Schools of Public Health (ASPH) Friday Letter, Hamann is with the University of Iowa Injury Prevention Research Center and is an Occupational Injury Prevention fellow with the Heartland Center for Occupational Safety and Health, where she was awarded a pilot study to conduct this work.

For the full story, visit: http://fridayletter.asph.org/article_view.cfm?fl_index=1749&fle_index=19522