Academic Integrity

UNTHSC College of Public Health students are expected to read, be familiar with, and abide by the general academic policies and procedures for both UNTHSC and CPH. It is the responsibility of the student to abide by university student code of conduct and follow all appropriate policies and procedures. Newly admitted students to the College of Public Health should review the following presentation on Academic integrity: Academic Integrity Presentation: Dr. Tracey Barnett, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, College of Public Health

Procedure Manual of The College of Public Health

When writing a paper

Allowed Not Allowed
  • Cite your sources
  • Rephrase ideas/material into your own words
  • Seek assistance from the university writing specialist (CAP) to review for assistance


  • Do not copy another person’s work and claim it as your own
  • Copy and paste text from another source
  • Pay someone to write or do your work
  • Use Artificial Intelligence (such as ChatGPT) to write your paper for you
  • Use work that you previously submitted in another class without asking approval and citing it accordingly

Group Assignment/Project

Allowed Not Allowed
  • Recognize everyone’s work
  • Ask other group members to do your work

When studying together

Allowed Not Allowed
  • Discuss ideas and concepts but write individual submissions.
  • Allow others to copy your work
  • Copy work from others

When taking mid-term or final exam

Allowed Not Allowed
  • Ask the instructor what you are allowed to bring with you to the examination
  • Raise your hand and wait for the instructor to come to you to ask a question
  • Use electronic devices that have not been approved by the faculty member
  • Speak or talk to other students during the exam

When using information from a book or previously published article

Allowed Not Allowed
  • Use your own words
  • Cite any ideas or words that you used from other articles, including Title of the book, page number
  • Forget to reference or cite
  • Copy and paste small or all text