College of Public Health

Emily R. Belew, MHA, LNFA

Instructor, Health Administration & Health Policy

Emily R. Belew

Education & Experience:
I earned a Bachelor of Business Administration from The University of Texas at Austin and a Master of Health Administration from the University of North Texas Health Science Center. I am also a Licensed Nursing Facility Administrator (LNFA). I began my career in progressive roles in the long-term care/skilled nursing industry, eventually serving as Healthcare Administrator for a large skilled nursing facility. I later transitioned to the role of Practice Administrator for a mid-size physician organization.

Teaching Areas & Public Health Interests:
I have enjoyed applying the interpersonal skills gained in my experiences to my role as an instructor. At HSC, I have taught Internship I, Managing Across the Continuum of Care, Health Economics, and Leading People. I have enjoyed helping students identify how their prior experiences relate to their future endeavors and how to communicate these with confidence, professionalism and persuasion. Additionally, I am enthusiastic about informing students of the variety and importance of the many care environments in our complex health care system. I am especially interested in care improvement for the geriatric population and have sought to collaborate with others with this interest in HSC’s Geriatric Practice Leadership Institute. I have also taught Environmental Management for Long-Term Care Administrators for the Long-Term Care Administration Program at Texas State University.

Professional Activities & Awards:
I have delivered continuing education courses for health care professionals from a variety of settings through participation in multi-care-setting committees. I engage in Texas Health Care Association conferences and conventions, the professional organization for Long-Term Care Administrators, hold certification as a Certified Nursing Facility Administrator Preceptor, and am a member of the Society for Human Resources Management. I enjoy continually learning how to improve my online and in-person teaching skills by pursing Quality Matters certifications for my online courses and working with HSC instructional designers to create unique simulations applicable to both online and in-person courses.

Scholarly Interests:
My scholarly interests include employee retention strategies, specifically related to direct care staff in the long-term care environment, and the training and support of licensed nursing facility administrators. I am also interested in the impact of Age-Friendly Health Systems.

Link to Ms. Belew’s Curriculum Vitae: