Honors and Presentations

June 5, 2017 • Uncategorized

  • Livingston
    Dr. Doug Livingston

    CPH News Brief: Dr. Doug Livingston’s abstract related to community efforts for reducing adolescent alcohol use and access was selected as an “Abstract of Distinction” by the Society for Prevention Research (SPR) and was recognized at the organization’s 25 Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C., held May 30-June 2, 2017. This year’s meeting focused on the theme of Prevention and Public Systems of Care: Research, Policy and Practice. This was the first year that SPR conferred this honor. More information on Dr. Livingston’s research can be found here: https://unthscstaging.wpengine.com/college-of-public-health/study-finds-alcohol-prevention-strategies-effective-american-indian-teens-rural-youth/.

    Dr. Livingston is Assistant Professor of Biostatistics and Epidemiology at the UNTHSC College of Public Health.Dr. Livingston was also published in the May 2017 issue of the American Journal of Public Health. With colleagues from the University of Florida, he reported research showing that federal regulation of precursor chemicals can positively reduce cocaine availability in the United States and can be correlated to a decline in maternal and neonatal hospital stays. Earlier this year, Dr. Livingston spoke with White House officials on these findings.

  • Thad Miller_students CDC 2
    CPH students at the CDC, Atlanta

    CPH News Brief: Recently, CPH students Amy Board (DrPH ‘17) and Erica Stockbridge (PhD ’17) made Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) presentations in Atlanta related to national research consortium efforts on tuberculosis prevention and monitoring. During their doctoral studies, both students have worked with CPH professor Dr. Thad Miller, Principal Investigator, on the CDC-funded Tuberculosis Epidemiologic Studies Consortium (TBESC). Also attending in Atlanta was UNTHSC MPH student Armando Moreno. Dr. Miller is Associate Professor, Department of Health Behavior and Health Systems, at the UNTHSC College of Public Health.

  • Dr SterlingCPH News Brief: Dr. David Sterling, Professor of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, at the UNTHSC College of Public Health, was recently recognized as one of five finalists for the UNT Health Science Center’s new honor, the Faculty Achievement Award. Honorees were chosen by a committee of their peers, led by the Faculty Senate. As a finalist, Dr. Sterling was recognized for demonstrating excellence in teaching, scholarship, service and leadership. Dr. Sterling has been with the UNTHSC College of Public Health since 2008 and has most recently been in the news for his work with children’s asthma management in the Fort Worth Independent School District, through the “Asthma 411” program. He is a long-time panel reviewer for the National Institutes of Health, EPA and other agencies, and maintains an active research program. Among his funders have been the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institutes of Health, the Environmental Protection Agency, Texas State Department of Health Services and various not-for-profit foundations. This June, he was recognized as a Fellow in the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA). According to the organization, only five percent of AIHA membership can qualify for the Fellow Award, presented as a high recognition to those who have made significant contributions to the field of industrial hygiene.