Implementation Science

Implementation ScienceOur researchers in implementation science work to facilitate the translation, adoption and integration of evidence-based research, interventions, guidelines and policies into practice. We draw on a range of frameworks, theories and methods to determine the multi-level factors promote or impede dissemination and implementation by individuals, healthcare providers, policy makers and communities.

Related Faculty

Dr. Stacey Griner
Dr. Malinee Neelamegam
Dr. Eun-Young Mun

Faculty Publications

  • Griner, S.B., Beckstead, J., Vamos, C., Puccio, J., Perrin, K., & Daley, E. (2023). Characteristics associated with the adoption of consumer-based self-sampling methods for sexually transmitted infection screening. Journal of American College Health.
  • Griner, S.B., Johnson, K.C., Neelamegam, M., Webb, N.J., Kinard, A., & Kline, N. (2023). Direct-to-consumer STI screening methods: Preferred communication sources and channels among young adult women. Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
  • Griner, S.B., Reeves, J.M., Webb, N.J., Johnson, K.C., Kline, N., & Thompson, E.L. (2022). Consumer-based STI screening among young adult women: The negative influence of the social system. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. doi: 10.1097/OLQ.0000000000001655
  • Griner, S.B., Johnson, K.C., Neelamegam, M., Webb, N.J., Kinard, A., & Kline, N. (2023). Direct-to-consumer STI screening methods: Preferred communication sources and channels among young adult women. Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
  • Griner, S.B., Beckstead, J., Vamos, C., Puccio, J., Perrin, K., & Daley, E. (2023). Characteristics associated with the adoption of consumer-based self-sampling methods for sexually transmitted infection screening. Journal of American College Health.
  • Grine Lewis, M. A., Rhew, I. C., Fairlie, A. M., Swanson, A. Anderson, J. & Kaysen, D. L. (2019). Evaluating personalized feedback intervention framing with a randomized controlled trial to reduce young adult alcohol-related sexual risk taking. Prevention Science, 310-320.
  • Lewis, M. A., Patrick, M. E., Litt, D. M., Blayney, J. A., Atkins, D. C., Kim, T., Norris, J., George, W. H., & Larimer, M. E. (2014). Randomized controlled trial of a web-delivered personalized normative feedback intervention to reduce alcohol-related risky sexual behavior. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 82, 429-440. 1037/a0035550 PMCID: PMC4029925
  • Litt, D. M., Geusens, F., Seamster, A., & Lewis, M. A. (2022). A parent-based intervention for reducing high-risk social media cognitions, alcohol use, and negative consequences among adolescents: Protocol for a randomized controlled pilot study. JMIR Research Protocols, 11, e38543.
  • Ray, A. E., Mun, E.-Y., Lewis, M. A., Litt, D. M., Stapleton, J. L., Tan, L., Buller, D., Zhou, Z., Bush, H., & Himelhoch, S. S. (2023). Cross-tailoring integrative alcohol and risky sex feedback for college students: A hybrid type 1 effectiveness-implementation trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 12, e43986.
  • Testa, M., Livingston, J. A., Wang, W., & Lewis, M. A. (2019). Preventing college sexual assault by reducing hookups: A randomized controlled trial of a personalized normative feedback intervention. Prevention Science, 21, 388-397. org/10.1007/s11121-020-01098-3