Milam-Moore is Admin Awards Rookie of the Year!

May 13, 2015 • Uncategorized

Milam_Moore_sons_178x300Congratulations to Erin Milam-Moore, Senior Administrative Associate in the College of Public Health, for earning Rookie of the Year honors in the 2015 Fort Worth Admin Awards, sponsored by Core24. The honor recognizes those new to the profession who have the greatest potential to succeed.

Milam-Moore re-entered the work force less than two years ago after rearing and homeschooling her children, wrote her nominator, Sharon Homan, PhD, Chairman and Professor, Biostatistics and Epidemiology.

“Her ability to juggle multiple tasks with competency, humor and kindness is phenomenal,” Homan said. “She attributes this to the ‘job training’ she received at home.”

Not only does Milam-Moore excel in people, administrative and technical skills, she also “demonstrates excellent informal leadership that builds culture and purpose, such as rallying us together for FitWorth challenges, baseball games, birthday celebrations, and welcoming and supporting our students,” Homan said.

“She is tenacious in learning the complicated and multiple systems for hiring, payroll approval, international visa processes, procurement, budget approvals, updating web information, and course evaluation system … and proactive in building UNTHSC’s values-driven culture focused on solutions!”

See the video honoring all UNTHSC finalists

The award was presented during a May 8 luncheon at the Worthington Renaissance Hotel, attended by Milam-Moore and UNTHSC’s other four finalists:

  • Gayanne Clemens—Achiever Award, given for successfully managing and completing a significant project that had a positive company-wide impact.
  • Ashlee Dickerson—Administrative Excellence in Healthcare Award, recognizes those who support organizations including health care providers, hospital systems, physician groups, pharmaceutical companies and medical device suppliers and vendors.
  • Essence Ragland—Above the Call Award, honors those who go above and beyond in delivering an exceptional first impression and who serve internal and external customers with professionalism, enthusiasm and care,.
  • Cheryell Williams-Price—Community Champion Award, given for demonstrating commitment to serving others in their community and working internally to inspire employee volunteerism, community service and good corporate citizenship.

Kudos to them all!