Public health department accreditations begin: North Texas CPH to assess state readiness

December 13, 2011 • Uncategorized

Kurz2Dean Richard S. Kurz, PhD, UNT Health Science Center College of Public Health, Fort Worth, Texas, has secured a one-year contract with the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), Division for Regional and Local Health Services, to assess, support and increase the readiness of Texas’ local health departments for accreditation based on standards of the Public Health Accreditation Board.

The voluntary accreditation of state and local public health departments is a new program in support of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) efforts toward Strengthening Public Health Infrastructure for Improved Health Outcomes.

As Principal Investigator (PI) on this contract, Dr. Kurz will also complete a master plan for Texas health departments to achieve accreditation status.