CPH faculty, doctoral students shine at APHA conference

December 4, 2023 • News

By Dr. Stacey Griner and Sally Crocker

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Dr. Matthew Rossheim, Rohit Balasundaram, Dr. Malinee Neelamegam, Kaeli Johnson, Dr. Stacey Griner

Faculty and doctoral students from the College of Public Health at The University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth participated in the American Public Health Association’s recent annual meeting in Atlanta. The conference provided a platform for community and academic exchange as well as scholarly discourse, where CPH representatives highlighted their expertise and innovative research.

SPH’s contingent presented a diverse range of studies and findings across various disciplines. Their contributions spanned topics such as aging, community involvement, substance use and COVID-19, highlighting the school’s commitment to cutting-edge research, academic excellence and health equity. Results were also shared from collaborations with the HSC Institute for Health Disparities’ Texas Community Engagement Alliance (CEAL).

“The synergy among researchers, practitioners and public health leaders demonstrated the real-world impact of public health research and education. The experience reminded me why I work in public health,” said first-time attendee, Dr. Justin Luningham, CPH assistant professor, population and community health.

Several CPH doctoral students also shared presentations showcasing a depth of analysis and the potential to influence public health.

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Dr. Erika Thompson, Idara Akpan, Dr. Justin Luningham

“I had a great time connecting with professionals and researchers who are making tremendous contributions to the field of public health. It is inspiring to see ways our work informs and improves health interventions for diverse communities, including shaping public health policies,” said CPH student Idara Akpan.

CPH attendees engaged in vibrant discussions, networked with colleagues and forged collaborations with scholars from around the U.S., enriching their academic pursuits and fostering connections extending beyond geographical boundaries.

“Attending APHA is always such a wonderful experience.  I get energized learning about the great work that public health scholars and practitioners are doing to improve the health of our communities,” added Dr. Kayla Fair, CPH assistant professor, population and community health.

The success of CPH faculty and doctoral student representatives at APHA underscores the school’s focus on being a socially accountable, community-centered and globally relevant school of public health dedicated to the prevention of disease and harm, elimination of health disparities and the promotion of health and equity at home and around the world.

Doctoral student posters and presentations included:

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Student Natey Webb presenting

“Engaging young adults in sexual health interventions: Perceptions of community stakeholders” – Idara Akpan, Dr. Stacey Griner, Kaeli Johnson, Dr. Annalynn Galvin, Nathaniel Webb, Dr. Nolan Kline, Dr. Dana Litt, Dr. Melissa Lewis and Dr. Erika Thompson.

“Exploring COVID-19 vaccine and treatment clinical trial awareness and participation: A cross-sectional study” – Idara Akpan, Dr. Justin Luningham, Sarah Alkhatib, Dr. Tanjila Taskin, Dr. Jamboor Vishwanatha and Dr. Erika Thompson.

“Cannabis use and oral health behaviors: A nationally representative study of US adults aged 30-59” –

Rohit Baal Balasundaram, Dr. Matthew Rossheim, Sarpong Boateng, Idara Akpan and Dr. Uyen-Sa Nguyen.

“Policy change and reproductive healthcare in Texas: Prenatal providers’ perspectives” – Kaeli Johnson, Tiffany Lemuz, Ryan Terrillion, Ashlyn Kinard, Dr. Nolan Kline and Dr. Stacey Griner.

“Intersection of tobacco use and suicidal ideation among US adults” – RoiSan Nhpang.

“Mental health and quality of life among Ukrainians: one year after Russia’s full-scale invasion” –

Vyacheslav Zhdan, Shanshan Wang, Irina Holovanova, Nadia Obrevko, Oleksandr Korneta, Inna Belykova, Igor Kaidashev and Dr. Ubydul Haque.

“Policing and health equity: A systematic review of current literature and implications for future research” – Nathaniel Webb and Dr. Nolan Kline.

Faculty posters and presentations included:

“Identifying common factors of COVID-19 information sources and their association with COVID-19 vaccination in Texas” – Dr. Justin Luningham, Sarah Alkhatib, Idara Akpan, Dr. Tanjila Taskin, Dr. Jamboor Vishwanatha and Dr. Erika Thompson.

“’We are aging too!’: A qualitative explorative study of the perceptions about aging among Asian Indian immigrants in the United States” – Dr. Malinee Neelamegam, Shilpa Patil, Dr. Stacey Griner, RoiSan Nhpang and Dr. Nolan Kline.

“Innovative methods in delta-8 THC research: An overview of findings and implications” – Dr. Matthew Rossheim and Dr. Cassidy LoParco.

“Online retail assessment of ready-to-drink alcohol products and prices: Fort Worth, Texas, 2023” –
Dr. Matthew Rossheim, Kayla McDonald, Dr. Cassidy LoParco, Vishal Sekhon, Theresa Agwuncha, Olivia Townsend, Edna Patricia Mendoza, Viktor Vasilev.

“Novel solutions for improving community partner compensation – A direct impact from the community engagement alliance consultative resource (CEACR)” – Dr. Erika Thompson, Dr. Jamboor Vishwanatha, Nadia Jones, Emily Finley, Al Richmond, Elizabeth Miller, Mylynda Massart, Michael Siegel and David Jernigan.