College of Public Health

Public health professor lectures in China: Private rooms found to reduce the risk of hospital-acquired infections

  In a study of 1.2 million patients treated at 292 Texas hospitals over a one year time period during 2013, Liam O’Neill, PhD, Associate Professor of Health Management and Policy at the UNTHSC College of Public Health, and a student cohort have found that hospitals with mostly private rooms had a lower risk for…

New Dean talks public health

“Our graduates are doing incredible things to make the world a better, safer, healthier place,” said Dennis Thombs, PhD, newly-named Dean of the UNTHSC College of Public Health. After serving for the last year as Interim Dean, Dr. Thombs was selected from among a pool of national candidates as the leader who will move the…

A tradition of UNTHSC graduates

  2016 graduation was an “all in the family” celebration for Neda Moayad, DrPH, Adjunct Assistant Behavioral and Community Health Professor in the UNTHSC College of Public Health, when her daughter May received her medical degree from TCOM. Husband and proud dad, DFW-area neurologist Hamid Moayad, is a TCOM class of ’87 graduate, and Neda…

Public health student, family call for change in mental health care: ‘Medicine not Bullets’

  Dominique Pean remembers the night his older brother Alan was shot in a hospital emergency room. With a history of depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder, Alan, a 26-year-old college student, had become increasingly paranoid and delusional leading up to the night he sped to the ER seeking help. Nearly totaling his car on the…

CPH graduate named 2016-2017 ASPPH Fellow

  Jennifer Cole, MPH, UNT Health Science Center College of Public Health graduate, has been named by the Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH) as one of 16 new fellows to engage in an intensive one-year assignment at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Cole’s fellowship placement will be with…

CPH student selected for new Siemens ‘next generation researchers’ program

Growing up in a family where she would become the first to graduate high school, Sara Ann Aldridge says she has always been interested in “finding out how people have come to be where they are in life.” A UNTHSC College of Public Health MPH student (Behavioral and Community Health and Global Health) graduating this…

CPH MHA students receive UTMB fellowships

Matthew Johnson (CPH MHA ‘16) has been named as a 2016-17 Administrative Fellow at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston (UTMB). He previously served as an intern for UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, and for JPS Health Network in Tarrant County. Johnson said he was drawn to the business side of health care,…

New study finds patient privacy risks in sharing research data

Health care researchers publishing new studies use methods to remove identifiable patient information when sharing their data, which is often required by grant funding organizations and journals publishing the research. Yet, even with those precautionary measures, a UNT Health Science Center public health professor has found that online attackers could still identify individual patient health…

Two CPH students receive poster honors at international competition

Two UNTHSC public health students won Best Student Poster awards at the 2016 American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exhibition, recently held in Baltimore. The international conference is held annually for professionals in industrial hygiene and other occupational and environmental health and safety professions. The organization’s Biological Monitoring Committee recognized Vedant Gohil for his presentation on…

Cultural understanding impacts disease control and education

In a war-torn country where poverty, starvation, poor living conditions and limited access to health care paints a bleak picture, there is still a certain formality in the way life is lived and customs are observed. As UNT Health Science Center Assistant Professor Erin Carlson, DrPH, experienced during a recent trip to Uganda – where…