College of Public Health

UNT contracts to bring funds to Texans

The Texas Health Institute (THI), a statewide organization improving the health of Texans through health policy and grassroots health solutions, has contracted with the College of Public Health (SPH) at the UNT Health Science Center (UNTHSC) to assist with the evaluation of a new, Web-based service called The Benefit Bank for Texas (TBB-TX), to connect…

UNT professor receives cancer study grant

Swati Biswas, PhD, assistant professor of Biostatistics at the UNT Health Science Center College of Public Health, Fort Worth, Texas, has been awarded a grant from the Dana Farber Cancer Institute for a study titled "Preliminary Evidence for a Two-Stage Approach for Adapting BRCAPRO to Primary Clinical Settings."  BRCAPRO is a widely-used statistical model for…

North Texas CPH named to national CDC Consortium

Under the leadership of Thad Miller, MPH, DrPH, the College of Public Health at UNT Health Science Center (UNTHSC), Fort Worth, Texas, has been named as one of 10 national research sites for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)-sponsored Tuberculosis Epidemiologic Studies Consortium. This 10-year, up to $5.3 million contract is focused on…

Public health department accreditations begin: North Texas CPH to assess state readiness

Dean Richard S. Kurz, PhD, UNT Health Science Center College of Public Health, Fort Worth, Texas, has secured a one-year contract with the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), Division for Regional and Local Health Services, to assess, support and increase the readiness of Texas' local health departments for accreditation based on standards of…

Dean Kurz appointed to State Health Services Committee

Richard S. Kurz, PhD, Dean of the College of Public Health, has been selected to serve as a member of the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) Public Health Funding and Policy Committee established by Senate Bill 969 in the 82nd State Legislative Session. Working with State Commissioner David L. Lakey, MD, the committee…

UNT Health Science Center College of Public Health participates in ONE Summit

Kristine Lykens, PhD, MPA, AB, associate professor of Health Management and Policy at UNT Health Science Center's (UNTHSC) College of Public Health (second from left), and UNTHSC Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) student and Public Health Student Association (PHSA) president Susan N. Jackson, MPH, CHES (right), recently attended the ONE Summit in Washington, DC, as…

North Texas researcher determines parents still an important health information resource for college-age students

Scott T. Walters, PhD, professor of Behavioral and Community Health at the UNT Health Science Center's College of Public Health, Fort Worth, Texas, has published new findings regarding the sources that college students use to gather health information, and in particular, the role that parents play in the process. The findings are published in the…

UNTHSC Associate Dean joins Global Health 3.0 Conference

Christine A. Moranetz, PhD, FAWHP, of the UNT Health Science Center's (UNTHSC) College of Public Health (SPH), has been invited to serve as a speaker and panel moderator at the October 9-11, 2011, UT Southwestern Medical Center's "Global Health 3.0: The Role of Academic Institutions" symposium, targeted to faculty, students, administrators and health care professionals…

Researchers DeHaven and Kitzman-Ulrich join UNTHSC College of Public Health faculty

Mark J. DeHaven, PhD, and Heather Kitzman-Ulrich, PhD, have joined the College of Public Health faculty, in the Department of Behavioral and Community Health, at the UNT Health Science Center (UNTHSC), Fort Worth, Texas. In addition to his role as professor of Behavioral and Community Health, Dr. DeHaven is Executive Director of the Texas Prevention…

UNTHSC researcher earns $1.4 million CPRIT grant

Kathryn Cardarelli, PhD, associate professor of Epidemiology in the College of Public Health at the UNT Health Science Center (UNTHSC), Fort Worth, Texas, was recently awarded a $1.4 million grant from the Cancer Prevention Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) for a project titled "Comprehensive Breast Cancer Prevention for High-Risk Women in Dallas County" that includes outreach…