Students visit from South Korea

March 19, 2013 • Uncategorized

KoreanStudentRecently, 11 undergraduate students from Eulji University, South Korea, visited the CPH to learn more about our programs and hear presentations from our noted faculty researchers on addictive behaviors and prevention, specifically relating to alcohol and substance abuse.

With translation assistance from Dr. Jenny Lee, assistant professor in the Department of Behavioral and Community Health, department chair Dr. Dennis Thombs shared details of his research on the effects of college age drinking and the dangers among U.S. college students in combining alcohol with energy drinks.  His colleague, Dr. Scott Walters, also a Behavioral and Community Health professor, talked about development of a web-based intervention to motivate probationers within the U.S. judicial system to initiate drug and substance abuse treatment.

The students also learned about our international admissions process and graduate programs offered.

Special thanks go to UTA School of Social Work doctoral student Yi Jin Kim for bringing this group to our campus!