Three CPH Faculty Receive Awards

May 8, 2012 • Uncategorized

2012facultyawards1Three College of Public Health (SPH) faculty members have been recognized for outstanding service, teaching and research.Pictured with CPH Dean Richard S. Kurz, PhD, (from left to right) are Elizabeth Trevino Dawson, DrPH, who received the Faculty Award for Service; Scott Walters, PhD, who received the Faculty Award for Research; and Erin Carlson, PhD, who received the Faculty Award for Teaching.

Dr. Trevino Dawson, assistant dean for Curriculum and MHA program director, who also serves as a faculty member in the Department of Health Management and Policy, was awarded for her work on MHA program accreditation efforts within the CPH; continuous quality improvement initiatives impacting teaching in new and positive ways; her community activities leading a local diabetes management program and working with The Benefit Bank for Texas through the Texas Health Institute, a statewide organization improving the health of Texans through health policy and grassroots health solutions; and her relationships with various, key health care organizations, which have led to increased local and national health care placements for student internships and fellowships.

Dr. Walters, CPH professor of Behavioral and Community Health, was recognized for his notable research focusing on interventions related to substance abuse and other addictive behaviors. A recognized authority in his field, who has been interviewed for numerous national and international news media articles on his topics, Dr. Walters is the author of more than 50 peer-reviewed journal articles and five books, including the most recently published Treating Substance Abuse: Theory and Technique through Guilford Press. He currently serves as principal or co-investigator on four National Institutes of Health (NIH) grants and is a standing member of the NIH/NIAAA Epidemiology, Prevention and Behavior Research Study Section.

Dr. Carlson, assistant professor of Health Management and Policy, has been recognized for outstanding teaching performance over the last year in the Introduction to Health Management and Policy course offered by the CPH. She currently ranks highest among faculty in the Department of Health Management and Policy on a 4.8 out of 5-point scale and has been noted especially high in the areas of introducing stimulating ideas about the subject and demonstrating the importance and significance of the subject matter. She has been named as an instructor who can explain complex issues clearly and concisely; relates her course materials to real-life situations, such as in the areas of health reform and current issues/cases; and has also received perfect scores on assessments for displaying a personal interest in students and their learning.