We are pleased to announce that the Zeiss LSM 880 Upright Microscope, featuring a state-of-the-art 2 Photon laser, will be back and fully operational by the end of July. This advanced imaging system will significantly boost our research capabilities, offering high-resolution imaging and deep tissue penetration for various applications.
- Mai Tai HP Tunable Laser (690-1040 nm) Mai Tai HP provides more than 300 nm (690–1040 nm) in a useable tuning range with over 2.5 W of average power and a pulse width of less than 100 fs
- DAPI excitation with 2-P laser
- Argon Laser: 458/488/514 nm
- 561 nm DPSS Laser
- 633 nm HeNe Laser
LSM Detectors:
- 2 channel green/red GaAsP NDD for 2-Photon imaging
- Transmitted light detector T-PMT for detection of DIC, IR-DIC with laser illumination
- Spectral detection 3 ch with one GaAsP
- Objective Clr PApo 20x/1.0 Corr nd=1.38 (WD=5.6mm)
- 10x/.30 EC Plan-Neofluar 10x/0.30 WD=5.2