HSC guidelines and FAQs
Positive cases, symptoms, and exposure
I am a caregiver of someone who has COVID-19. Do I return to work or school?
Follow COVID-19 Guidelines Regardless of Vaccination Status on the HSC COVID-19 Guidelines page.
What is the difference between ISOLATION and QUARANTINE?
Isolation separates sick people with a contagious disease from people who are not sick.
Quarantine separates and restricts the movement of people who were exposed to a contagious disease to see if they become sick.
I have symptoms of COVID-19, but my test results were negative. What can I do?
If you have symptoms of COVID-19 but your COVID-19 test result was negative:
- You should stay home and isolate. You may have received a false negative test result and still might have COVID-19.
- Contact your health care provider about your symptoms, possible follow-up testing, and how long to isolate.
- Report positive COVID-19 test results to HSCCOVID@unthsc.edu. Be sure to type #HSCSECURE in the subject line.
I do not have symptoms of COVID-19, but I was exposed to a person who was positive for COVID-19:
Definition of a close contact exposure:
- A close contact exposure has occurred when someone has been within 6 feet of an infected person for a cumulative total of > 15 minutes over a 24-hour period starting from 2 days before illness onset or, for asymptomatic contacts, 2 days prior to collection of a specimen that tests positive for COVID-19.
Follow COVID-19 Guidelines Regardless of Vaccination Status on the HSC COVID-19 Guidelines page.
I am an HSC student doing a clinical rotation. Which guidelines do I follow?
HSC students doing clinical rotations will adhere to the COVID guidelines of their respective clinical rotation site.
Vaccinations and boosters
Can I still get infected with COVID-19 if I have fully completed a COVID-19 vaccination series?
- Yes, you can still contract COVID-19 if immunized but your symptoms will likely be less severe and less likely to require hospitalization.
- You are still able to carry or transmit the virus to others.
- It is recommended that you continue to take precautions including wearing a mask, social distancing, and good hand hygiene to protect yourself and those around you.
Do I need to be vaccinated if I have already tested positive for COVID-19?
Yes, CDC recommends COVID-19 primary series vaccines for everyone ages 6 months and older, and COVID-19 boosters for everyone ages 5 years and older, if eligible.
Can I get vaccinated against COVID-19 while currently positive for COVID-19?
No, people who test positive for COVID-19, regardless of symptoms, should wait to be vaccinated until they have met criteria for discontinuation of isolation.
If you were treated for COVID-19 with monoclonal antibodies or convalescent plasma while sick with COVID-19, you do not need to delay getting a COVID-19 vaccine. You may get vaccinated after you have met criteria for discontinuing isolation.
Can I get at flu vaccine and COVID-19 vaccine at the same visit?
- Yes, you can get a COVID-19 vaccine and the flu vaccine at the same visit.
Where can I get a flu vaccine on campus?
COVID-19 safety at HSC
What role can I play to ensure the health and safety of our HSC Community?
It’s important for everyone to continue using all the tools available to help stop this pandemic as we learn more about emerging variants and the effectiveness of vaccines and other measure in controlling the spread of infection. We encourage you to get vaccinated, wear a mask when around others, stay at least 6 feet away from others, avoid crowds, and wash your hands often.
Am I required to screen myself for COVID-19 symptoms before leaving my home and coming to the campus?
All employees and students should perform a self-assessment for symptoms before coming to campus every day.
Potential COVID-19 symptoms include:
- Fever > 100.4 or chills
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Sore throat
- New loss of taste or smell
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- Headache
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
*To date, most variants cause similar COVID-19 symptoms.
If an employee/student is having symptoms:
- Stay home and isolate.
- Notify supervisor/academic department that they are ill and not coming to work/school.
- See health care provider for evaluation and COVID-19 testing as indicated.
- If receive a positive COVID-19 test result, notify HSC by sending a secure email to HSCCOVID@unthsc.edu using #hscsecure in the subject line.
I’m waiting on my COVID-19 test results. Can I still come to the campus?
If you are waiting for your COVID-19 test results due to symptoms or exposure:
If tested because you were experiencing symptoms, do not return to campus until you have met criteria to discontinue isolation.
If tested due to exposure only and are NOT experiencing symptoms, you may return to campus. You are encouraged to wear a mask around others for at least 10 days.
If your test results come back positive, please report them to HSCCOVID@unthsc.edu with #HSCSECURE in the subject line.
Where do I report if I’m told by a student or employee that they tested positive for COVID-19?
Report to HSCCOVID@unthsc.eduand include the following information: supervisor name; employee or student name; employee office # and building; employee or student contact information; and date last on campus. Be sure to add #HSCSECURE to the subject line.
Pursuant to the Clery Act, HSC will assess each report of a positive case to determine whether a notification to the campus or a segment of campus is needed to protect the health and safety of students and team members. Any notification would protect the privacy of the reporting individual.
Will there be enhanced cleaning of workspaces to reduce the potential spread of COVID-19?
Yes, regular housekeeping practices continue to be enhanced, including frequent cleaning and sanitization of high-touch areas such as door handles, railings, and elevator panels, among others.
This is a shared responsibility. Please do your part to keep your personal workspaces clean and avoid sharing workspaces and/or equipment.
When do I have to wear a mask or other face covering?
- Masks (surgical with ear loops) are required for everyone in the HSC Health Clinics to mitigate transmission to patients.
- Wearing a mask when around others on campus is optional unless your status changes and you meet any of the criteria for wearing a mask due to exposure or positive testing for COVID-19 infection. Then, HSC recommends you follow the guidelines on the HSC COVID-19 Guidelines page.
When I wear a mask, which one is best?
Masks are designed to protect yourself and others from getting and spreading COVID-19 infections.
See the link below to learn about the different types, how to select and how to properly wear a mask.
HSC is currently operating under Conventional strategy for use of disposable N95 FFR (Filtering Facepiece Respirator) Reuse.
COVID-19 Decontamination and Reuse of Filtering Facepiece Respirators | CDC
What if I have concerns about other team members or students not following the HSC COVID-19 safety guidelines?
Our HSC values empower you as an HSC employee or student to emphasize public health practices such as social distancing, hand hygiene, staying home when sick and proper cough/sneeze etiquette. Respectfully and kindly address your concerns with the individual or your supervisor.
Are there mental health support for team members or students returning to the campus?
The Employee Assistance Program(EAP) is available to offer support. This free service helps team members with family, legal or financial issues, substance abuse or other stressful events. EAP programs are available to retirement-eligible employees, retirees, household members, and dependents.
The Student Support Programis available to offer support as well. This free service provides students with unlimited telehealth mental health support.
Health Select BCBS
https://healthselect.bcbstx.com/content/medical-benefits/virtual-visits#Mental%20Health%20Virtual%20Visits– Virtual medical and mental health visits
Choice between Doctor On Demand and MDLIVE
Organizational Development & Engagement
Prerecorded webinars – https://hr.untsystem.edu/available-training-opportunities#toc-2(full list found online)
LinkedIn Learning
List of recommended courses: https://hr.untsystem.edu/working-remote-support(full list found online)
Will HSC still allow flexible work arrangements?
UNT System component institutions will follow established UNT System policies related to Flexible Work Arrangements (FWA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as it relates to faculty/staff requests for leave or other needs due to COVID-19-related circumstances.
Team members who are seeking Flexible Work Arrangements (FWA) or reasonable accommodations due to a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) should work through their supervisor and follow the established System and campus procedures outlined in the links below.
Please note that return to in-person operations will vary by location and job responsibilities. Each UNT System component institution will provide additional detail and guidance.
Please contact your Campus HR office with any questions related to employee leave, Flexible Work Arrangements, and the American with Disabilities Act.
What if I notice unsafe working conditions?
If you observe or experience unsafe working conditions, please address immediately, if able and contact your supervisor to help address issues and concerns.
Are there still HSC travel restrictions in place?
HSC has no restrictions on travel at this time. However, as the pandemic continues, the safety of our students and team members is constantly being evaluated.
I have COVID-19 symptoms. Do I return to work or school?
NO, if an employee/student is having symptoms:
- Stay home and isolate.
- Notify supervisor/academic department that they are ill and not coming to work/school.
- See health care provider for evaluation and COVID-19 testing as indicated.
- If receive a positive COVID-19 test result, notify HSC by sending a secure email to HSCCOVID@unthsc.edu using #hscsecure in the subject line.
Social media