Prestigious honor for UNTHSC physician
By Alex Branch
A UNT Health Science Center Associate Professor who oversees the university’s correctional medicine program was awarded the prestigious W. Kenneth Riland Memorial Lecture by the American Osteopathic College of Occupational and Preventive Medicine.
John Mills, DO, MPH, delivered the lecture “Ethical Issues in Correctional Health Care” and was presented the award at the organization’s annual conference in March.
Created in 1983, the prominent lecture is presented by someone who has “demonstrated a desire to see the practice of occupational and preventive medicine excel for the public good.”
Dr. Mills joined UNTHSC in 1989 after working as a U.S. Army Master Flight Surgeon because he believed UNTHSC had the best preventive medicine program in the country. He was instrumental in creating the school’s correctional medicine program, which provides much-needed medical care to the Federal Bureau of Prisons.
He also has established five endowed scholarships — each named the Jeremiah G. Mills Rural Medicine Scholarship in honor of his late son — to support medical students and a physician assistant student interested in practicing rural medicine.
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