- Our People
Student effort contributes to big jump in blood donations
By Sarah Jane Grisham Blood donations from UNT Health Center jumped almost 50 percent in 2017, thanks to a combination of student initiative and a dedication to follow through Donations jumped from 116 in 2016 to 234 units last year,...
- Research
$10 million endowment strengthens research into health disparities
By Alex Branch A $10 million federal endowment will further elevate UNT Health Science Center as a national leader in research into health disparities that impact the lives of ethnic, racial, rural and economically-disadvantaged populations across the United States. The...
- Education
Honoring a lawmaker who helps move UNTHSC forward
By Jeff Carlton UNT Health...
- Our People
Cowtown co-founder looks at four decades of running success
By Jan Jarvis The weather was in the 70s on that February evening in 1979 when some 1,000 runners picked up their packets for the first Fort Worth Cowtown Marathon. “An hour after the last packet was given out,...
- Community
Family and friends keep a former runner in the Cowtown race
By Jan Jarvis It started with one of those memory notifications that pop up on Facebook. The photo was of Collin Hadley running the Cowtown Half Marathon in 2014, and it hit his wife Emily like a ton of bricks....
- Education
Connecting across cultures leads public health professor to new international role
By Sally Crocker Dr. Marcy Paul has spent a lifetime following the teachings of Tikkun Olam, the Jewish concept of “repairing the world.” The foundations of Dr. Paul’s...
- Community
UNT Health Science Center and Lena Pope announce new partnership
UNT Health Science Center (UNTHSC) and Lena Pope have teamed up to expand access to high-quality early learning experiences for children and families in Fort Worth with a new on-campus child development center. Lena Pope’s new Early Learning Center...
- Community
UNTHSC upgrades its research accounting system following internal review and repayment
UNT Health Science Center has extensively revamped its system of tracking federally funded research projects after an internal review revealed flaws in its prior time and effort reporting practices. UNTHSC discovered the flaws in 2015 and subsequently self-reported the issues...
- Our People
SPH student wins national honor for excellence through diversity
By Sally Crocker UNTHSC DrPH student Carolyn Bradley-Guidry, MPAS, PA-C, CPH, has received national recognition for her service and citizenship in the area of diversity and inclusion. Bradley-Guidry, Assistant Professor in the UT Southwestern (UTSW) Department of Physician Assistant (PA)...
- Our People
Student’s passion runs deep for a healthier Haiti
By Sally Crocker Public health student Abby Winstead made her first trip to Haiti on a ministry mission seven years ago, and when she graduates from UNT Health Science Center this spring, she will take on a full time position...
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