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  • Community
| January 27, 2015

Community Garden is on the grow

The UNT Health Science Center Community Garden marks its first birthday Feb. 15 and will expand with nine more plots later that month. Here are its major accomplishments so far - not bad for a 1-year-old: More than 60 pounds...

KAYLA DR Dickson Homepage
  • Patient Care
| January 27, 2015

Operating with little room for error

In the hospital waiting room, Kayla Cameron couldn't hold back the tears. Weeks earlier, Cameron, 22, had been critically injured in a car crash that fractured her spinal column and put her at risk of paralysis. On this day, she...

  • Community
| January 8, 2015

Meal service with a smile can drive patient satisfaction

If it’s true that the way to a person’s heart is through his stomach, then it shouldn’t be too surprising that meal service with a smile can enhance the way patients judge their hospital stays. A study by Martin Ostensen,...

  • Research
| January 5, 2015

A more effective way to identify elder abuse

Elder abuse is a largely hidden problem, but one that impacts a growing number of America's aging population. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that more than 500,000 older adults are abused or neglected in the...

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  • Patient Care
| December 23, 2014

Keeping those in addiction recovery in mind during holidays

For some, eggnog, buttered rum and other alcohol-spiked drinks are as much a part of the holidays as presents under the tree. But what happens when there's a family member or guest who is in addiction recovery? The holidays can...

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  • Research
| December 19, 2014

Schmoozing with a purpose

Faculty from the School of Public Health (SPH), Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Texas Prevention Institute took networking to a new level when they recently hosted a UNT Health Science Center "Research Schmooze" at Mama's Pizza. Almost 30 professors...

HSC News placeholder graphic
  • Research
| December 18, 2014

Research into nanoparticle delivery of cancer drugs receives CPRIT funding

A drug-delivery system that targets and destroys ovarian cancer cells is one step closer to improving the outcome for women diagnosed with the often deadly disease. A $742,000 Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) grant will be used...

HSC News placeholder graphic
  • Patient Care
| December 17, 2014

Experts predict intense year for the flu

When Ebola was diagnosed in Dallas, it set off a tidal wave of fear that left health officials scrambling to stave off a communitywide crisis. It ended with three confirmed cases, including one death. A less exotic, but no less...

Feature SHP STEP
  • Patient Care
| December 16, 2014

Helping seniors reduce the risk of falling

From the moment he got out of bed in the morning, Wayne Yancy feared he would lose his balance and hit the floor. "There were times when I would just be walking along and fall down," said the 67-year-old retiree,...

Feature Pharma Radioctive
  • Education
| December 15, 2014

A bandage to treat skin cancer

Sun lovers are bombarded daily by warnings about the cancer dangers posed by their passion. But researchers now are offering hope to patients with skin cancer that they could be treated one day with a radioactive bandage containing exactly the...