Magdalena Bus and Bruce Budowle

Uncovering mysteries and improving forensic medicine

By Sally Crocker Over the years, Bruce Budowle, PhD, has been recognized in various ways for his lifelong dedication to uncovering mysteries, bringing long-sought answers to families and communities, and developing novel ways to improve the science behind forensic medicine. After spending 26 years with the FBI, he joined the University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth (HSC), becoming one of…
Dr. Katie Pelch, School of Public Health (SPH) Assistant Professor

Dr. Katie Pelch and colleagues are leading the charge for a safer planet, a healthier environment

By Sally Crocker  Katie Pelch, PhD, wants you to know what’s in our environment and how the chemicals we’re exposed to every day may affect our health. Dr. Pelch is a part-time School of Public Health (SPH) Assistant Professor, where she teaches courses in environmental health. In 2021, Dr. Pelch and a collaborative group of scientists from universities and non-profit agencies around the U.S. released the PFAS-Tox Database, a public health…
Lillee Smith Gelinas 666 X 750

A true calling to save lives, meet the driving force behind TCOM’s patient safety course 

By Steven Bartolotta  When you hear the passion in Lillee Gelinas’, DNP, MS, RN, CPPS, FAAN, voice, speaking about patient safety, you realize how personal it has become for her. The statistics that Dr. Gelinas recounts are staggering. Roughly, 1,100 patients a day are dying because of preventable medical errors. “That’s the equivalent of three jumbo jetliners crashing every day with no survivors,”…
Emanuel George 666 X 750

College of Pharmacy faculty member inspires greatness, one student at a time

Dr. Emanuel George, III, aka “DrEG3,” is on a mission to impact and serve 1 million people. He is well on his way, advocating for students, alumni and the greater pharmacy community. “I believe that I am a servant to all people,” Dr. George said. “I hope to help people become and live as their…
Dr. Rebecca Cunningham

‘How do we make it better for others?’ This HSC professor is helping guide a new generation of researchers

By Diane Smith-Pinckney Dr. Rebecca Cunningham sounds like a proud mother when she talks about her students at HSC.  Some are first-generation students who graduated with Masters and PhD degrees from her lab. Her first PhD student now oversees clinical research and is testing different therapeutics in southern states while her first Master’s student is a high school teacher trying to inspire a new generation of scientists.  “When…