Category: School of Health Professions

August 27, 2018 • College of Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Physician Assistant Studies, Students, Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine
By Alex Branch A new generation of physicians, physical therapists, physician assistants and pharmacists formally began their journey into the health care profession Friday at the UNT Health Science Center White Coat Ceremony. The ceremony is a rite of passage that encourages new students to fulfill a psychological contract for professionalism and empathy as future…

August 2, 2018 • Physical Therapy
By Alex Branch Yasser Salem, PHD, PT, is among the first 100 physical therapists in the United States to complete the Education Leadership Institute of the American Physical Therapy Association. The yearlong fellowship is designed to “develop innovative and influential leaders in physical therapy education who can function within a changing politico-sociocultural environment.” The…

May 17, 2018 • Our People, Physical Therapy, Students
By Jan Jarvis Rosie Ruiz’s parents had a middle school education and an unstoppable drive to give their children a better life than the one they had growing up in Mexico. “My parents worked so hard in low-income jobs just to provide for us,” Ruiz said. “They’re the reason I have been so driven…

April 10, 2018 • Our People, Physical Therapy
By Alex Branch Brandy Schwarz, DPT, is an educator, mentor and innovator. The UNT Health Science Center Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy adopts all three roles as she prepares students to become health care providers of the future. The Fort Worth Business Press will honor Dr. Schwarz for her impact on students and in…

April 2, 2018 • Physical Therapy
By Alex Branch Two UNT Health Science Center educators received national honors in education at the annual meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA). Myles Quiben, PhD, DPT, Interim Chair of the Department of Physical Therapy, earned the Distinguished Educator Award from the APTA Academy of Geriatric Physical Therapy. Dr. Quiben was recognized for…

January 9, 2018 • Physical Therapy, School of Health Professions
By Alex Branch A 2015 School of Health Professions graduate will help put injured Miami Marlins baseball players back on the playing field this summer. Steve Carlin PT, DPT, will treat players throughout the organization as the rehabilitation coordinator at the Marlins spring training facility in Jupiter, Fla. Carlin, 28, is tasked with post-operative and…

December 5, 2017 • Our People, Physical Therapy
By Alex Branch Londyn Miner can pinpoint the moment that started her path to UNT Health Science Center. It was seven years ago in her Granbury living room, as she tearfully explained her 15-month-old son’s devastating prognosis to a physical therapist. An MRI had revealed that Orion’s cerebellum — the part of the brain that…

November 6, 2017 • Education, Physical Therapy
By Alex Branch Two UNT Health Science Center physical therapists spent a week in China advancing the practice of modernized physical therapy in the country where many techniques remain underused. Howe Liu, MPT, PhD, and Yasser Salem, PT, PhD, demonstrated treatment on adults and children with cerebral palsy between the ages of 3 months…

September 28, 2017 • Physical Therapy, Research, School of Health Professions
By Alex Branch The nation’s largest autism research and advocacy organization will hold a free community science event that is open to the public Wednesday, Oct. 4, at UNT Health Science Center. Autism Research Series: Discovery to Solutions When: 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Oct. 4 Where: Medical Education and Training Building, UNTHSC, 1000…

August 4, 2017 • Our People, Physical Therapy, School of Health Professions
By Nicoleta Bugnariu, PhD, PT I was 19 years old and fresh out of nursing school when I emigrated from Romania to Canada and took a job at a residential facility for seniors. One of the women I cared for was a retired nun named Rita. Months after I started, she suffered a major stroke.…
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