Category: School of Health Professions

January 5, 2017 • Physical Therapy, Research, School of Health Professions
By Alex Branch Researchers, clinicians and students from around the world convened at the UNT Health Science Center to learn about sensorimotor function in children and receive hands-on training in the university’s Human Movement Performance Laboratory. The Health Science Center hosted the training school for the International Society for Posture and Gait Research, which has…

October 26, 2016 • Physical Therapy, School of Health Professions
By Alex Branch UNT Health Science Center faculty and students will have a prominent role this week at the annual meeting of the Texas Physical Therapy Association (TPTA). Eleven faculty members and 10 students will make presentations or display research posters at the Fort Worth Convention Center. The conference, which is held in a…

May 5, 2016 • Physical Therapy, School of Health Professions
By Alex Branch Nicoleta Bugnariu, PhD, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Research, has become the first physical therapist to graduate from a respected national leadership program dedicated to women in academic medicine. Dr. Bugnariu, Associate Professor of Physical Therapy, in April completed a one-year fellowship in the Hedwig van Ameringen Executive Leadership in Academic…

December 14, 2015 • Physical Therapy, Research, School of Health Professions
By Alex Branch A Health Science Center researcher is creating an innovative shoe that could help prevent dangerous foot ulcers in people with diabetes. Metin Yavuz, DEng, Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy, has developed a working prototype of a shoe fixed with an electronic cooling system. It’s designed to keep foot tissues from heating…

November 24, 2015 • Education, Physician Assistant Studies, School of Health Professions
By Alex Branch Dr. Hank Lemke, founding director of UNT Health Science Center’s nationally recognized Physician Assistant Studies Program, has earned a national honor for achievements in PA education. Lemke, DHSc, PA-C, received the 2015 Master Faculty Award, an honor given annually by the Physician Assistant Education Association to one PA in the nation…

September 18, 2015 • Community, Patient Care, Physical Therapy, School of Health Professions
Grandma fell twice. She wasn’t badly hurt, but her family was shaken. Nicoleta Bugnariu knew what to do. She used her physical therapy expertise to create a rigorous exercise program for her “Bunica,” Romanian for “grandmother.” Dr. Bugnariu, PT, PhD, Associate Dean at UNT Health Science Center, chairs the Falls Prevention Task Force of the…

August 25, 2015 • Research, School of Health Professions
Initial rehabilitation therapy for many stroke victims may focus on regaining the ability to walk. But when hands also are affected, therapy focused only on the legs can leave hand muscles contracted, a condition that can be difficult to overcome. A new, soft robotic glove that can open and close a patient’s hand may…

August 5, 2015 • Patient Care, Physical Therapy, School of Health Professions
Thirty-five weeks pregnant with twins, Shelley Long had grown accustomed to the endless aches and pains of a multiple pregnancy. But the throbbing in her right calf worried her. She reported the leg pain to medical staff twice during visits to a hospital to have her blood pressure monitored, but was told the discomfort was…

June 19, 2015 • School of Health Professions
After his cholesterol measured high, Felix Granthon didn’t ask his doctor for the simplest solution. “I knew I could take medication — but I don’t like medication,” Granthon, 72, said. “I wanted to know what else I could do besides take pills.” So Granthon and his wife, Carla, and their family physician, Harold Fain, MD,…

May 29, 2015 • Physician Assistant Studies, School of Health Professions
At HealthFirst Northwest Clinic, Shelbie Reed navigates the busy hallways, stepping in and out of examination rooms filled by patients with ailments ranging from sinus infections to diabetes. In her crisp white coat, she could be mistaken for a physician, but she’s not one. She is a clinical-year student on rotation as part of UNT…
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