Unlocking the secrets of autism

Wearing glasses with a camera embedded in the frames, a girl stands atop a platform as virtual balls roll toward her. How she dodges the balls will help UNT Health Science Center researchers better understand why people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have trouble responding to their environment. Surrounded by a 180-degree, wrap-around screen in…

Prevent falls in nasty weather

The possibility of another coating of ice and snow is bearing down on North Texas. If you must go out, follow tips from Nicoleta Bugnariu, PT, PhD, Associate Dean at the UNT Health Science Center in Fort Worth: Beware of an invisible sheet of ice - it might be under snow or on top of…

A patient’s best friend

Katie, a 9-year-old rescued Golden Retriever, can do math by pawing out the answers, bow her head to pray and catch a bone off her nose. But her greatest gift may be in nurturing others, from sick children to elderly adults with dementia. "She just loves people," said her handler, Dianne Hughes. "You can't teach…
Feature SHP STEP

Helping seniors reduce the risk of falling

From the moment he got out of bed in the morning, Wayne Yancy feared he would lose his balance and hit the floor. "There were times when I would just be walking along and fall down," said the 67-year-old retiree, who had suffered several injuries from falls. Only when he was hospitalized for complications from…
Bugnariu with patient INSIDER

Helping amputees live more mobile lives

After diabetes took part of her left leg, Jackie Smith, 66, worried whether she would ever regain her mobility with a prosthetic foot that felt stiff and awkward. But her experience wearing a more technologically advanced prosthesis under the eye of Nicoleta Bugnariu, PhD, PT, has the Arlington amputee imagining an independent future. "I can…

Health care with a human touch

Born with spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy, Sasha is nonverbal and non-ambulatory, requiring a wheelchair. She takes her meals by feeding tube. Her parents, Pete and Michele, make sure she has good quality of life. They take her out of the house frequently for a change of surroundings. Sasha, now 30, has been invited to and…

Meet therapy dogs and learn about animal-assisted therapy

Dr. Claire Peel (left) introduces her certified therapy dog,Luke, to UNTHSC employees during a campus event. Every Sunday, the cocker spaniel visits Fort Worth assisted-living communities to brighten the mood of depressed or lonely residents. Physician Assistant student Ana Maria Chaidez was stressing out. An exam was imminent, and her confidante and friend was absent.…

Combined efforts get patient back on her feet

If the natural stress and anxiety that comes with having a baby weren't enough, Katy Kemp soon discovered she couldn't move her right knee, requiring the use of a walker to get around. She was diagnosed with post-partum femoral neuropathy, a condition created by prolonged pressure on a nerve in the knee during delivery. But…
Howe PT Award

Research award highlights big weekend for Physical Therapy Program

Howe Liu, MPT, PhD, was named Outstanding Physical Therapy Researcher for 2014 during the Texas Physical Therapy Association in Galveston. Known for his expertise in research design and protocol, Dr. Liu was instrumental in initiating projects that resulted in several publications, including how a certain genetic disorder impacts physical function in children. He is currently…
Mattingly Laura WEB

PA Laura Mattingly earns national recognition

Assistant Professor Laura Mattingly, PA-C, was awarded the Physician Assistant Education Association's 2014 "Rising Star," a prestigious national award given to the PA who made outstanding contributions to Physician Assistant Studies education. Mattingly received the award at the association's 2014 Annual Education Forum in Philadelphia. "I was surprised and excited," Mattingly said. "I truly do…