Category: School of Health Professions

December 18, 2013 • School of Health Professions
Vic Holmes MPAS, PA-C Twice a month, Vic Holmes, MPAS, PA-C, gathers his medical examination instruments and makes the 20-mile drive from UNT Health Science Center to a two-acre camp for adults with disabilities in Mansfield. As goats, horses and a mule graze outside, Holmes spends four hours inside an examination area with camp…

November 27, 2013 • Physical Therapy
Joe Udofia, first-year physical therapy student A novel approach to improving diversity in the field of physical therapy is proving successful at the UNT Health Science Center. Allied Health Pathways, a collaboration between the Health Science Center, the University of North Texas and local community colleges, has already placed almost 50 African American and…

November 22, 2013 • Physical Therapy
Nicoleta Bugnariu, PT, PhD Older people are more likely to fall because of balance and gait issues. But rain- and ice-slick surfaces can throw anyone, of any age. Nicoleta Bugnariu, PT, PhD, Associate Professor of Physical Therapy at UNT Health Science Center, offers this advice to stay upright: Remember that an invisible sheet of…

November 1, 2013 • Physical Therapy, School of Health Professions
Michael Connors, PT, DPT, OCS, is the new president-elect of the Texas Physical Therapy Association. He will begin his three-year term as president in 2014.The mission of the Texas Physical Therapy Association is to optimize the health and well-being of people in Texas by advancing physical therapist practice."I am humbled to serve my profession in…
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