Category: School of Health Professions

June 21, 2021 • Community, Physician Assistant Studies, School of Health Professions
By Diane Smith-Pinckney The embroidery on Vic Holmes’ black scrubs identify him as a physician assistant and an ally to LGBTQ+ patients. The words, stitched under a rainbow-colored Caduceus pin and near his heart, read: “Vic Holmes, PA-C, He/Him/His, Family Medicine.” Pronouns are gracing more white coats, scrubs, business cards, name badges and email signatures…

December 11, 2020 • COVID-19, Patient Care, Physician Assistant Studies
By Diane Smith-Pinckney Sixty Texas Wesleyan University athletes have completed athletic screenings through a new partnership with The University of North Texas Health Science Center (HSC) at Fort Worth. The project screens TXWES athletes who have had COVID-19 so they can return to sports. As of Dec. 3, four more athletes were in the process of being assessed and had tests pending. “We completed…

September 22, 2020 • COVID-19, Education, Physician Assistant Studies, School of Health Professions, Students, Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine
By Diane Smith HSC Fort Worth has taken virtual learning to new levels during COVID-19. Consider, for example, medical students at the Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine who must master ultrasound technology to better identify the diseases that ail patients. At TCOM, students gain these skills while also learning to teach their peers. Earlier this year, about 20 to 30 students worked to become teaching assistants in the ultrasound training program directed by John O. Gibson, MD; FAAFP,…

July 31, 2020 • Alumni, Multi School, School of Biomedical Sciences, School of Health Professions, Students, Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine
By Diane Smith Mikel Bell’s plan to become a doctor came while fighting the war on terrorism in Iraq where he gave medical support to U.S. Marines. In 2007, Bell was a Navy corpsman embedded with a Marine unit fighting in Iraq, removing improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and stopping people from making bombs. Later, he worked to rebuild the city of Ramadi. “I wore their uniform. I trained…

July 15, 2020 • COVID-19, Education, Multi School, Physician Assistant Studies, School of Health Professions, Students, TCOM, Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine
By Betsy Friauf At The University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth (HSC), student career readiness is enhanced in myriad ways. One of the latest is microcredentialing. Microcredentials are competency-based, specialized certifications attesting that a student has mastered specific skills for a certain activity or procedure. Microcredentials are crucial and have been…

June 12, 2020 • College of Pharmacy, COVID-19, Our People, Physician Assistant Studies, Public Health, School of Health Professions, Students, TCOM, Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine
By Diane Smith Students and faculty volunteers from The University of North Texas Health Center at Fort Worth were recognized by Mayor Betsy Price for establishing the first community-based COVID-19 testing site in the city. “To all of you, you need to reach back and give yourself a pat on the back,” Price said during…

June 8, 2020 • COVID-19, Our People, Physical Therapy, School of Health Professions
By Jan Jarvis Dr. Yasser Salem, Professor of Physical Therapy, has been appointed to chair a national group that will focus on identifying the impact of COVID-19 on children with disability, their families and professionals working with them. He will lead a work group created by the Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy of the American…

May 18, 2020 • COVID-19, Physician Assistant Studies, Physician Assistant Studies, School of Health Professions
By Jan Jarvis Ashley Twining’s first assignment as a physician assistant working in the epicenter of the pandemic was unnerving. “I was there to take the place of another PA who passed away from COVID-19 only one week earlier,” she said. That grim reality did not stop the 2012 UNT Health Science Center graduate from…

May 12, 2020 • Physician Assistant Studies, School of Health Professions, Students
By Diane Smith Sean Jamieson has long practiced a strategy that helped him during a critical time – keeping good grades. Jamieson followed baseball aspirations from his native Canada to New York to Nevada. When he was steps away from the major leagues, a shoulder injury stole his dream. Balancing strong academics with sports helped…

May 12, 2020 • Our People, Provost, School of Health Professions
By Jan Jarvis To some, Dr. Claire Peel is best known for bringing her therapy dog Luke to campus and introducing The University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth to the therapeutic benefits of pets. But to many, she is nationally recognized as a talented researcher and educator. Since joining HSC in…
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