50 Heros: Ywanda Carter
That’s how much of her professional life Ywanda Carter dedicated to UNT Health Science Center.
She was hired to do administrative work at the Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine in 1976, before fax machines and email, the internet or scanners. If you needed someone’s signature, you got up and walked to their office.
She worked with physicians, nurses and others who served patients at the old Fort Worth Osteopathic Hospital. She collaborated with faculty, staff, students, alumni and community members, most recently in the School of Public Health.
Quick with a smile and always willing to help, Carter helped transform the Health Science Center from an upstart medical school to a thriving University with six schools training on one campus. She could have left for other jobs. She chose to stay.
In December, Carter retired as the university’s longest-serving staff member. As she left, she reflected on life, displaying the positive, confident spirit she brought to campus every day.
“The longer I live, the happier I am. I’m in a good place right now,” she said. “I wouldn’t want to be 20 again, or 30, 40 or 50. At this moment, things feel very good.”
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