Chief of Navy Medical Corps to address UNTHSC community
The chief of the U.S. Navy Medical Corps, Rear Adm. Raquel Bono, will address on Wednesday students, faculty and staff at UNT Health Science Center as part of the observance of Dallas-Fort Worth Navy Week.
Adm. Bono, who also serves as Director of the National Capital Region Medical Directorate of the Defense Health Agency, will discuss Navy Medicine’s $6 billion global reach and its 63,000-member staff. And she will explain its mission to provide battlefield medical care to Navy and Marine personnel and comprehensive health care to those personnel, their families and veterans.
Adm. Bono is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin and attended medical school at Texas Tech University.
Shortly after training, she saw duty in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm as head of Casualty Receiving in Fleet Hospital Five in Saudi Arabia in 1990-91. She has served in numerous surgical and administrative posts.
Adm. Bono is a Diplomat of the American Board of Surgery and a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons.
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