Dr. Janice Knebl goes to Washington
On Wednesday, April 19, Dr. Janice Knebl, chief medical officer at HSC Health, attended the AAMC-led Health Professions and Nursing Education Coalition congressional briefing as a panelist. The briefing focused on how the HRSA Title VII and VIII programs shape the workforce and help address health workforce shortages.
Invited by the Elder Workforce Alliance, Knebl was one of four panelists at the briefing. Other panelists included Johnnie Early II, Ph.D., chair of the Association of Minority Health Professions Schools; Marion Manski, MS, associate professor and director of Dental Hygiene at the VCU School of Dentistry; and Catherine Wilson Cox, Ph.D., RN, associate professor at the George Washington University School of Nursing.
The panelists were joined by Rep. Michael Burgess (R-Texas) and Rep. Diana DeGette (D-Colorado) — both gave opening remarks and highlighted bipartisan support for these programs.
Attending this briefing was not just an exciting career opportunity for Knebl, it was a chance for her to share what HSC’s Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program — Workforce Enhancement in Health Aging and Independent Living — has accomplished. She was also able to advocate for students and the care of older adults.
“It was truly a privilege to be able to represent the amazing work accomplished across the country by the Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program and to advocate for health profession students training in geriatrics and strengthen primary care providing geriatric care to older adults,” Knebl said.
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