Research project targets interpersonal violence

A UNT Health Science Center project aimed at addressing interpersonal violence has been awarded $2.2 million in funding over the next three years by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office on Women’s Health. The project – called TESSA (Technology Enhanced Screening and Supportive Assistance) – is being led by Emily Spence-Almaguer, MSW,…

Falls prevention takes the stage with UNTHSC helping lead the way

Grandma fell twice. She wasn’t badly hurt, but her family was shaken. Nicoleta Bugnariu knew what to do. She used her physical therapy expertise to create a rigorous exercise program for her “Bunica,” Romanian for “grandmother.” Dr. Bugnariu, PT, PhD, Associate Dean at UNT Health Science Center, chairs the Falls Prevention Task Force of the…

Helping others despite a shocking diagnosis

Terry Stevenson almost couldn’t believe the words she was hearing about the results of a recent CT scan: “Metastatic cancer ….” But a diagnosis of stage four metastatic lung cancer hasn’t kept her from the job she loves. Stevenson, a Clinic Service Representative Lead at UNT Health Science Center, says she thrives on the work…

It takes a village to keep people healthy, national expert explains

  Behold a model health care team of the future tasked with caring for an older patient just home from the hospital with a new joint replacement and serious problems getting around. Nurse: Visits the patient at home to monitor vital signs and dress the wound. Occupational therapist: Trains patient to safely bathe, dress and…

Her life saved, she pays it forward

Carter BloodCare blood drive The public is welcome 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 10 UNT Health Science Center Everett Administration Building, first-floor Atrium 3500 Camp Bowie Blvd., Fort Worth, Texas 76107 The Health Science Center consistently wins awards for number of units donated.  The car flew off an icy bridge and rolled five…

Dr. Richard Kurz named Dean Emeritus

For the first time at the UNT Health Science Center, the UNT System Board of Regents has bestowed the unique and special honor of the Dean Emeritus title to Richard S. Kurz, PhD, on the day of his retirement. The announcement was made by Thomas Yorio, PhD, UNTHSC Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic…

Medical students lead first-ever regional meeting for peers

2015 Student American Academy of Osteopathy Regional Conference Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine: Evidence, Relevance, and Practical Application Saturday, Sept. 19 UNT Health Science Center, MET Building 1000 Montgomery St., Fort Worth, TX 76107 Conference flier Conference schedule Register Imagine how surprised aspiring medical student Chandler Sparks was when he learned that some doctors’ training stresses symptoms…

Transformation prepares UNTHSC for the future

Imagine teams of extraordinary researchers and clinicians from different disciplines working together to create solutions for the biggest health problems facing Texas. Each scientist or physician contributes his or her own unique skills, knowledge and ideas, collaborating in unique ways that create innovation and push the boundaries of discovery. At UNT Health Science Center, that…

UNTHSC to close Sept. 7 for Labor Day

The UNT Health Science Center will be closed on Monday, Sept. 7, for Labor Day. UNT Health clinics and Founders' Activity Center (fitness center) also will be closed. However, the Lewis Health Science Library will be open. It will have abbreviated hours Friday, Sept. 4, through Monday, Sept. 7. Have a happy and healthy Labor…

Where medicine meets mechanical engineering

Share this story on Twitter Unique collaboration with @UTEP could result in more natural knee replacements. — UNTHSC (@UNTHSC) September 5, 2015 Following a total knee replacement, patients often discover that their new implant does not feel or function as naturally as they hoped. But what if there was an implant that closely…