Unique program prepares physicians to lead rural prevention efforts

Imagine yourself in a rural setting where you're the only doctor. A patient's flu-like symptoms are getting worse, fast. But it's not flu season. And he has had several mosquito bites.  Tests confirm your fears: He has the West Nile virus. Your first priority is to help him survive a potentially lethal illness. But you…

Research into homeless women reveals their situation, needs

"Treat us with respect. Just because we are homeless, and we have been broken down so low, doesn't mean we aren't human."For two semesters, Emily Spence-Almaguer, PhD, School of Public Health Associate Professor of Behavioral and Community Health, has worked with a group of UNTHSC graduate students to identify the victimization experiences and health challenges…

Regulating blood pressure for a good nightA€AsAss sleep

High blood pressure and sleep problems. The connection between the two keeps Ann Schreihofer, PhD, Associate Professor of Integrative Physiology, awake at night."People with sleep apnea have a greater risk for developing high blood pressure," Schreihofer said. "Blood pressure increases if the subjects live under conditions that mimic sleep apnea."Schreihofer's lab focuses on the ways…

Making kidneys more efficient in diabetics

Diabetes is a debilitating metabolic condition that affects the kidneys, among other organs, causing them to malfunction and eventually fail to perform their job in ridding the body of toxins. Kidneys clean blood in a process called glomerular filtration. But when too much or too little filtration occurs, the blood isn't cleaned or dehydration results…

Can nicotine actually heal the brain?

Nicotine typically conjures up images of cigarettes and smoking, addiction, cancer and lung disease. But not so for Victor Uteshev, PhD, Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Neuroscience, who sees nicotine as an opportunity for good. Uteshev's research concentrates on the positive effects chemicals such as nicotine may have on the brain - as in enhancing…

UNTHSC nurtures scientists at summer research intern program

Twenty-seven undergraduate scientists from across the U.S. have been hard at work this summer learning to conduct biomedical research as part of the Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement (RISE) program. The annual summer outreach programs ---Summer Multicultural Advanced Research Training Program (SMART); Summer Training Among Research Scientists Program (STARS); and the HBCU Undergraduate Collaborative Summer…

Farmers market debuts on campus Thursday

The Health Science Center begins hosting a weekly farmers market this Thursday, furthering our mission to improve the health and quality of life for our neighbors, students, faculty and staff.  The Cowtown Farmers Market, open to the public, will offer fresh locally grown produce, beef, artisanal bread, eggs and other farm products to the parking…

Can breakfast protect your heart? UNTHSC physician comments

A new Harvard study seems to show that men who skip breakfast are more at risk for heart disease, says Darrin D’Agostino, DO, MPH.He points out that the men in the study had high-stress jobs, and the study didn’t address whether they ate healthful breakfasts.But, says D’Agostino, breakfast provides some heart-protective effects, including: Balancing certain…

Expert advice on cyclosporiasis prevention

Jan Jowitt, RN, DHAUNTHSC's Infection Control Officer Yes, you have to wash your bananas -- and the reusable shopping bag you carried them in. Cleaning your fresh produce, as well as anything it touches beforehand, is essential to preventing the parasitic diarrheal illness cyclosporiasis that has stricken a dozen Tarrant County residents and hundreds nationwide.…

High school, undergraduate students spend summer studying at UNTHSC

Summer on the UNT Health Science Center campus is anything but quiet, as learning opportunities abound for teens and young college students. Sixteen students from the Young Women's Leadership Academy, a part of Fort Worth ISD, investigated  DNA identification techniques at a "CSI Camp" in July, led by the crack Applied Genetics Team at the…