Archives: story
May 26, 2010 • Archive
Bruce Budowle, PhD, director of the Health Science Center's Institute of Investigative Genetics and vice chair of the Department of Forensic and Investigative Genetics, has been named a Health Care Hero by Dallas Business Journal. He joined the Health Science Center in 2009, bringing renowned expertise in the areas of counterterrorism, primarily in identification of…
May 24, 2010 • Archive
On May 27-28, the Health Science Center will sponsor the 5th annual Texas Conference on Health Disparities in the brand new Medical Education and Training building. The Health Disparity Conference focuses on women's cancer, HIV, CVD and obesity, with a special emphasis on community programs. Check-in begins at 9 a.m. at the new Medical Education…
May 21, 2010 • Archive
The first day of classes arrived at the UNT Health Science Center's new Medical Education and Training building on Thursday, May 20. Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine (TCOM) students attended the inaugural course - Mechanisms of Disease taught by Linda Cunningham, MD, associate professor - in the new teaching auditorium.The new building ushers in a…
May 20, 2010 • Archive
Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine (TCOM) alumni currently completing residencies earned the highest average score in the nation on the Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination (COMLEX) Level 3. The National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners released COMLEX scores this week. This is the second consecutive year that TCOM has been the top performer in the…
May 17, 2010 • Archive
Acanthamoeba keratitis may be a mouthful, but for contact wearers the cost of the devastating condition can be loss of sight. The condition is almost always associated with contact lens use and is caused by amoebae invading the eye's cornea, resulting in severe inflammation. Identifying causes for the condition and possible new treatments is the…
May 13, 2010 • Archive
Eric Gonzales, PhD, GSBS '05, assistant professor of pharmacology, was recently awarded a Robert A. Welch Foundation Grant. These grants are primarily given to researchers focused on advancing chemistry and improving life.Gonzales and members of his lab team will study protein crystallography, which, through x-ray defraction, can determine the atomic structure of proteins. The process…
May 12, 2010 • Archive
Seven Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine (TCOM) students traveled to Washington, D.C., for DO Day on Capitol Hill April 29. Shane Alexander, Shwetha Chagalamarri, Lira Chowdhury, Achala Talati, Sarah Tran, Kevin Weiss and Cole Zanetti represented TCOM at the annual event.More than 800 students from 25 osteopathic medical schools filled the nation's Capitol to speak…
May 9, 2010 • Archive
In a groundbreaking study, researchers from the University of North Texas Health Science Center in Fort Worth and the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas are partnering to battle the effects of traumatic brain injury, shock and sudden cardiac arrest.James Simpkins, PhD, chair of the Department of Pharmacology and Neuroscience and director of…
May 8, 2010 • Archive
Camille Miller, president and CEO of the Texas Health Institute (THI), will speak at the UNT Health Science Center commencement ceremonies on May 15. The ceremonies will take place at 3 p.m. in Daniel-Meyer Coliseum at Texas Christian University. Tickets are not required for admission to the commencement ceremony, and there is no limit to the…
May 6, 2010 • Archive
Each day, they provide unwavering care and dedication to patients. On Friday, May 7, the attention will be turned on them at the 2010 Nursing Team Celebration, sponsored by UNT Health.The salute, featuring lunch and prizes, is part of National Nurses Week, May 6 through May 12. This year's theme is "Caring Today for a…
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