New banners mark Health Science Center’s 40th anniversary

Look for the new banners along Camp Bowie Boulevard which commemorate the Health Science Center's 40th anniversary. The banners are part of a celebration of four decades of innovation and leadership in the health sciences.The black, red and white banners with a special 40th anniversary logo will remain in place at least through summer."The Kimbell…

Teaming up to explore warning signs of Alzheimer’s

As the U.S. population ages, Alzheimer's disease continues its insidious infiltration of the minds and families across our country. Although the vast majority of individuals suffering from Alzheimer's are over the age of 65, onset at earlier ages is becoming more common. Over time, the disorder leads to behavioral and personality changes, memory loss, confusion,…

Arbor Day: UNTHSC helping to protect environment

April 30 is Arbor Day, and the Health Science Center continues to do its part to protect the environment with activities ranging from the Living Legacy plantings as living tributes to installing a better light bulb.The Living Legacy program allows donors to select a tree or other plants to be planted in honor of a…

Research in Integrative Physiology department attracts top talent

The University of North Texas Health Science Center has big plans for its Department of Integrative Physiology. In fact, the vision to grow the department to world-class status convinced Steve Mifflin, PhD, chair of Integrative Physiology, and Tom Cunningham, PhD, professor of Integrative Physiology, to relocate to Fort Worth from their previous positions at the…

Tanzi to speak on genetic causes of Alzheimer’s disease at April 30 conference

On April 30, Rudolph Tanzi, PhD and director of the Genetics and Aging Research Unit at MassGeneral Institute for Neurodegenerative Diseases will be keynote speaker at the eighth annual Neurobiology of Aging Symposium at the UNT Health Science Center. Tanzi is the author of "Decoding Darkness: The Search for the Genetic Causes of Alzheimer's Disease"…

Continuing Education earns industry respect

The Office of Professional and Continuing Education (PACE) at the Health Science Center has been named one of only 20 medical education providers authorized to receive grant funding from GlaxoSmith-Kline. In 2010, GlaxoSmith-Kline is focusing its idependent continuing medical education (CME) funding exclusively on initiatives designed to close health care professional performance gaps and improve patient…

New training space to open for fall classes

The UNT Health Science Center's new Medical Education and Training Building was featured in today's Fort Worth Star-Telegram. The Health Science Center's new Medical Education and Training building is scheduled to be substantially complete next month. Along with classrooms and clinical training space, the new building will include an 11,500-square-foot, 500-seat teaching auditorium.The auditorium, which can…

UNT Health physicians and TCOM alumni named ‘Top Docs’

Twenty UNT Health physicians and 28 Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine (TCOM) alumni were named Top Docs by Fort Worth, Texas magazine in the April 2010 edition. They were honored at a special reception on national Doctor's Day, March 30, by the magazine.Nearly 3,000 area members of the Texas Medical Association, the Texas Osteopathic Medical…

Renowned osteopaths to highlight National Osteopathic Medicine Week

Two widely known osteopaths will headline the Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine's celebration of National Osteopathic Medicine Week, April 18-24.Barbara Ross-Lee, DO, director of the American Osteopathic Association Health Policy Fellowship Program and vice president of health sciences and medical affairs at the New York Institute of Technology, will present two talks:Healthcare reform: Implications for…

Watch Channel 11, Listen to WBAP for breast cancer study report

Watch CBS Channel 11 at 5 p.m. today and listen to WBAP to learn of new results from a study conducted by the Health Science Center on breast cancer in South Dallas.Kathryn Cardarelli, PhD and director of the Center for Community Health, will share findings from an eight-week breast health education program targeted at women…