Renee Drabier named VP of Information Resources and Technology

Renee Drabier, PhD, has been named vice president for Information Resources and Technology. Dr. Drabier reports to the provost and oversees the Gibson D. Lewis Health Science Library, Academic Information Services, Information Technology and Biomedical Communication. Prior to joining the Health Science Center she was assistant vice president of health informatics and associate dean of health informatics…

UNTHSC announces new appointments

The University of North Texas Health Science Center, Fort Worth's medical school and more, announced two new appointments in its administration. Thomas Moorman, Ed.D., has been named vice president of Student Affairs, and Abbot Clark, Ph.D., has been named director of the North Texas Eye Research Institute.In his new role, Dr. Moorman reports to the…

Pepper receives 2008 Visionary Award

 George W. Pepper was awarded the University of North Texas Health Science Center's (UNTHSC) Visionary Award for 2008 at the annual "To Your Health" gala on Oct. 25.  The award recognizes Pepper's global vision and dedication to the advancement of the UNT Health Science Center as a former member of its Board of Regents and…

Trevino named chief of staff

Jennifer Treviño has been named chief of staff at the University of North Texas Health Science Center, announced UNTHSC President Scott Ransom.  Treviño will provide general administrative support for the president and serve as the supervisor for all employees in the Office of the President. As a strategic leader, she will be instrumental in developing and executing…

Brenner quoted in the news

Harvey Brenner, PhD and professor of social and behavioral sciences at the UNTHSC School of Public Health, has been quoted in recent weeks in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Fort Worth Business Press and on Bloomberg and ABC News online regarding the psychological and emotional impact of the economic crisis.  A similar article…

Zhang receives Komen grant

UNTHSC Assistant Professor, Epidemiology Fang Fang Zhang M.D., Ph.D., has received a grant of $243,202 for research related to breast cancer. Her grant is part of the largest commitment of breast cancer research funding by a single nonprofit organization. The funding is targeted to 81 universities and hospitals in 27 states and five countries. These…

UNT Health Science Center lends a hand to Ike evacuees

In the early hours of Sept. 13, Hurricane Ike rumbled through Galveston, the Bolivar Peninsula and on through Houston, leaving destruction in its wake. Thankfully, most residents evacuated before the hurricane hit, fleeing to shelters across Texas, including several in Tarrant and Dallas counties.University of North Texas Health Science Center doctors, physician assistants, nurses, medical…

Dillon Named VP of research

Glenn H. Dillon, PhD, has been named vice president for Research at the University of North Texas Health Science Center (UNTHSC), announced UNTHSC Provost Thomas Yorio, Ph.D.  In this new position, Dillon will facilitate and oversee all aspects of research conducted at UNTHSC. He will help formulate the institution's strategic plan for research and work to…

TCOM graduates score highest in nation on board exams

The Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine (TCOM) Class of 2008 scored the best in the nation on the Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination (COMLEX) Level 2, marking the second consecutive year the medical school has been the top performer on this exam. The class, which performed best in the nation for all osteopathic medical schools,…

2008 DO Dash set for Oct. 25

The seventh annual DO Dash 5k and 1k walk/run and Health Fair is set for 8 am on Saturday, Oct. 25 at UNTHSC.  Register online at the Fort Worth Running Company Web site or at 7 am on the day of the race. The event features a carb-loading dinner on Friday, Oct. 24, and a…