Archives: story
February 28, 2021 • Alumni, COVID-19, Public Health, School of Public Health
By Sally Crocker Denton County Public Health has grabbed national headlines lately as being one of the most successful COVID-19 vaccination hubs in the U.S. Led by HSC graduate Matt Richardson, DrPH, MPH, FACHE, the department’s service area covers more than 900,000 North Texas residents, although people have come from other states, as far away as Pennsylvania, to get their vaccines. Dr. Richardson completed…
February 24, 2021 • COVID-19, Students, TCOM, Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine
By Diane Smith-Pinckney and Sally Crocker It’s been more than a year since U.S. communities first heard the term COVID-19. After months of masks, social distancing and creation of vaccines, what began as a medical mystery continues as a global war against a virus. Doctors, nurses and other medical professionals serve on the frontlines – caring for the sick and consoling those who lost family members. At the Texas…
February 22, 2021 • Our People, School of Public Health
By Sally Crocker Ask successful people what drives them forward and you’re likely to hear “giving back to others” as a key inspiration. Indeed, an important part of making things happen in career and life has to do with not just what’s personal but also with impacting others in a positive way. HSC’s Dr. Stephan Davis is being recognized this month with a national Distinguished Service Award from the American…
February 8, 2021 • COVID-19, School of Public Health
By Sally Crocker The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a definite toll on healthcare providers. Months of working long hours under endless challenges to protect patients and comfort their families while looking after their own health and the health of their loved ones at home has not been easy. HSC alumnus Sreekanth R. Cheruku, MD, an…
February 3, 2021
By Steven Bartolotta There has always been a unique bond between the Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine and the JPS Health Network, two medical powerhouses in Fort Worth. Scores of TCOM students roam the hospital on a daily basis doing critical rotations and learning from some of the best physicians in the country. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, that…
February 2, 2021 • Campus Annoucement, Multi School, Our People, School of Public Health, Students
By Diane Smith-Pinckney In 1976, when President Gerald R. Ford issued the first Message on the Observance of Black History Month, it was the culmination of about 60 years of efforts to highlight achievements by Black Americans. Starting in 1915, Carter G. Woodson, known as the “Father of Black History,” made it his mission to document the accomplishments of…
February 1, 2021 • TCOM, Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine
By Steven Bartolotta February is Black History Month and the Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine is proud to honor the pioneering efforts of many African-American men and women who have paved the way in the medical and osteopathic community. From Dr. Barbara Ross-Lee, the first black woman to serve as a Dean at a medical…
January 27, 2021 • Community, FitWorth
By Diane Smith-Pinckney The University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth and the Fort Worth Independent School District teamed up to build healthier and safer communities in 2021. HSC/FitWorth is working with the school district’s physical education department to introduce the Spring Wellness Challenge to an estimated 84,000 Fort Worth students. “Speaking for the FWISD Health & Physical Education Department, I will say that we are eager to work alongside HSC Fort Worth for our…
January 21, 2021 • Public Health, School of Public Health, Students
By Sally Crocker In an election year like no other, UNTHSC Master of Health Administration (MHA) student Hina Ajaz stepped up in a major way to help get out the vote and advocate for state and local initiatives supporting public health and health equity. Ajaz plans to work in health policy after graduation, perhaps as a legislative health advisor or in another…
January 19, 2021 • Campus Annoucement, Community
The University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth (HSC Fort Worth) is a recipient of the Fort Worth Beautiful Award for 2020-2021. “I am very proud of the work put in by our Grounds Team which consists of Riaz Dhanji, Raul Cano, and Ignacio Rodriguez,” said Seth Willmoth, Executive Director, Facilities Management…
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