Managing the emotional impact of isolation in remote work

By David Farmer, PhD, LPC, LMFT, Director of Interprofessional Education and Practice at HSC There are many people working from home while others are in self-quarantine – can both groups face isolation issues? Whether working from home or participating in self quarantine, geographic distance is created, separating us from our familiar work environment and supportive…

Student food pantry provides a safety net as COVID-19 pandemic continues

By Diane Smith Food insecurity is an ongoing concern for many students and one that’s being addressed by the The University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth as the COVID-19 pandemic unfolds. “Our students are here to do hard things, and hard things become increasingly more difficult when basic needs aren’t being…

COVID-19: Making the most of hunkering down right now

By Sally Crocker So you’ve heeded the warnings about the COVID-19 pandemic that has much of the world in lockdown right now. You have the food and essentials you need. You are set to work remotely, if that’s an option. You’re avoiding large gatherings and listening to officials who advise that social distancing is best…

Be a leader, you can stop COVID-19

By President Michael Williams and David Mansdoerfer The science shows that for a vast majority of folks, the symptoms for COVID-19 will be mild and not require any type of medical intervention. Additionally, given that a virus, by nature, cannot be seen, if you have yet to be personally affected by this, the national response…

HSC pharmacologist answers questions about potential COVID-19 treatments, vaccines

*Note: The technical terms for the novel coronavirus that is causing COVID-19 pneumonia are HCoV-19 or SARS-CoV-2. The virus has been referred to as coronavirus or COVID-19 in media reports. As cases of HCoV-19 infection and resultant COVID-19 pneumonia rise in the United States, so do questions about the process and timeline to develop effective…

50 Heroes: Dr. Elizabeth Harris

Dr. Elizabeth (Libby) Harris, PhD, the Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine’s first faculty member, has been a trailblazing role model since the school opened in 1970. Her dreams for TCOM and close relationships with mentors Drs. Henry Hardt and George Luibel allowed her to accomplish much in a field that was largely, up to that…

HSC professor among international researchers using stem cells to combat COVID-19 pneumonia

By Diane Smith When news of the coronavirus emerged from Wuhan, China, Kunlin Jin, PhD, and a team of international researchers quickly joined forces to fight the mysterious disease. Dr. Jin relied on his more than 20 years of knowledge about stem cells to work with an international team driven to save lives. He used…

HSC forensic crime laboratory to assist in national crisis of missing American Indian women

By Diane Smith The disappearance of hundreds of Native American women and girls has challenged law enforcement nationwide. Now, experts hope to find solutions with help from the Center for Human Identification at HSC in Fort Worth and Montana State University Billings. The University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth and MSU…

Pharmacy faculty member appointed to prestigious specialty post

By Diane Smith Dr. Caitlin Gibson is a pharmacist, but when she manages medications, her workspace isn’t behind a drugstore counter – it’s the cardiovascular unit of a North Texas hospital. “There’s no mandate that pharmacists have to be involved in a multi-disciplinary team, but it’s really where we are trying to push the profession,”…

HSC designated ‘Best Place for Working Parents’

By Alex Branch The University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth was designated a “Best Place for Working Parents” at Mayor Betsy Price’s State of the City Luncheon. HSC President Dr. Michael R. Williams said the university made a conscious decision to make building a sustainable people culture a strategic goal and…