Proudly announcing our first Valubility of the Month recipients


Teammates linked by sacrifice, dependability and effort

There are common threads woven throughout the nominations for the inaugural recipients of UNT Health Science Center’s Valubility of the Month: sacrifice, teamwork, dependability, effort.

Nominate your teammates for the next Valubility of the Month at or

Nicki McGee is always willing to help. Meagan Cross is someone that everyone can count on. Michelle Stanfield never hesitates to take on more responsibilities. Myriam Martinez-Banuelos gives her all to the task at hand. Carmen Lavarreda is willing to do whatever it takes.

All of that adds up to Valubility, a unique quality describing the possibilities that arise when UNTHSC employees live by our values.

A committee of seven teammates read through more than 60 nominations, all of them de-identified, before deciding on the first five recipients of the Valubility of the Month honor. Each of those recipients were notified this week – some at their desks and others during staff meetings — by a group of employees bringing balloons and gifts.

Congratulations to our teammates. Below are edited excerpts from the nominations for each of our five inaugural recipients.

VALUABILITY-ONE-Meagan-Cross-Inset Meagan Cross, Associate Registrar
Meagan regularly works over 50 hours a week so that she can Serve Others First. On top of the busy demands of the Registrar’s Office during the end of the semester (and being short-staffed), she managed to serve as a team lead for a very integral part of the commencement ceremony (marshals). It doesn’t matter whether or not it is in her job description, she is someone who everyone can count on to give 110 percent.Meagan was recognized on Wednesday via Skype.
VALUABILITY-ONE-Carmen-Lavarreda-Inset Carmen Lavarreda, Senior LVN
Carmen is flexible in our ever-changing Mighty Care Program. She is willing to do whatever it takes to deliver patient care wherever it is needed: in the clinic, in the patient’s home, events in the community, and with assisting Alzheimer’s research. Whether the patient needs medical care, help moving furniture or getting transportation to the clinic, she is sensitive to the patient and assists them as a whole person. She sees the person behind the disease, a plus for the patients of UNTSHC.
VALUABILITY-ONE--Myriam-Martinez-Banuelos-inset Myriam Martinez-Banuelos, Outreach Librarian
Myriam volunteered to help teach a pilot ESL class for our teammates who don’t speak English as well as they’d like. Her dedicated teaching made the class a success. For each hour she spends in class, she spends about three hours outside class correcting homework and preparing lessons. Even when she badly cut her hand on her way to class one morning, Myriam taught class first – and then saw the doctor. When students tried to talk her into seeing a doctor right away, she responded adamantly, “We ARE having class.”
VALUABILITY-ONE-Nicki-McGee-Inset Nicki McGee, Director of Student Services
Nicki has implemented new ideas and challenged the way things have always been done in order to grow and expand the services her office provides. Nicki takes time to develop her employees and the students with whom she meets. She is a supportive coach and leader for anyone she encounters. She encourages her employees to be better team members. Nicki is honest and willing to help, and if she doesn’t know the answer, she knows where to look.
VALUABILITY-ONE-Michelle-Stanfield-inset Michelle Stanfield, Interim Director of Regulatory Compliance and Clinical Quality Manager
Michelle’s duties already were keeping her at UNTHSC until after dark most days, but she jumped at the chance to help when the compliance officer position became open. The long hours she already was putting in did not prevent her from taking more on. She does what is asked of her even when it will be hard. Her positive attitude is so contagious that we never missed a beat with the change. When Michelle Stanfield implements change, it is great for everyone. Anyone who knows Michelle knows we can count on her.


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