SACS reaffirms UNTHSC accreditation
The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) Commission on Colleges notified the UNT Health Science Center that its board has formally reaffirmed the Health Science Center’s accreditation. The news follows extensive work by Health Science Center faculty and staff that included a site visit in March 2010.
During that visit, the SACS team praised the university for its dedication to student success, its Quality Enhancement Plan and dedication to institutional goals. The next reaffirmation will be in 2020. SACS reaffirmation helps ensure that the Health Science Center has the right people, programs and facilities in place to become a Top 10 health science center.
All institutions are requested to submit an "Impact Report of the Quality Enhancement Plan on Student Learning" as part of their "Fifth Year Interim Report" — due five years after reaffirmation — and will be given one year’s notice of the due date.
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