Symposium to help health care providers work as teams
The UNT Health Science Center is a leader in helping health professionals work cooperatively to improve patient care.
And for the second year in a row, UNTHSC is hosting the Interprofessional Practice Symposium. This year’s theme is “Putting Theory Into Practice.”
The symposium will gather health care professionals to share how they work in teams that include nurses, physicians, pharmacists, physical therapists, researchers and many others across the full spectrum of care and treatment.
The event is from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday in the Medical Education and Training Building, 1000 Montgomery St. on the UNTHSC campus in the heart of Fort Worth’s Cultural District. CME credit is available. Registration Closed.
Last year’s event started a dialogue on the need for teamwork among health care professionals, with the goal of improving patient care and safety.
“It is no easy thing to change the current culture of health care for a more patient-centered one,” said Cheana Tagatec, RN, BSN. She is the Patient Centeredness Coordinator at Baylor Surgical Hospital, Fort Worth, and participated in last year’s symposium. “It was encouraging to see the ongoing dialogue within health care and to know this is not a task done by one person alone, but by our team of committed health care professionals already dedicated to taking excellent care of their patients and their community.”
Also among last year’s participants is Vicki Mason, MS, Assistant Clinical Professor in the School of Occupational Therapy at Texas Woman’s University. “Whether you are an educator or a health care professional, this symposium offers insights and practical approaches to enhance communication, teamwork and coordination of care – imperatives in today’s health care environment,” she said.
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