Voice your opinion on possible MD degree
Last month, the UNT System Chancellor, UNT System Board of Regents and the UNTHSC President announced a study led by a Study Group to complete a comprehensive and balanced evaluation and consider all major issues related to the possibility of adding a parallel MD degree in addition to continuing and improving the DO degree program of the Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine. As part of this study, public opinion also is being encouraged. To share your perspective on this issue, take this survey http://www.hsc.unt.edu/sites/StudyGroup/index.cfm?pageName=Survey
Findings will be presented to the UNT System Board of Regents in May for consideration and will represent various internal and external perspectives. The Regents will not make a decision until August 2009.
While the Study Group will develop, oversee and approve the final document to be presented to the Board, they will work closely with a core group of UNTHSC administrators, faculty and staff who will assist them in the compiling of documentation and the actual writing of the report. For more information on the Study Group, go to http://www.hsc.unt.edu/sites/StudyGroup/ .
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