The Facilities Maintenance Department provides a variety of moving services, ranging from moving furniture around in one office to transporting equipment across campus or to Surplus.  All moves must be scheduled in advance and may be scheduled over the course of several days. For large scale moves, the Facilities Manager will determine if the scope requires outside resources to complete the move. If so, the department will be responsible for the additional cost.

Move Procedures and Checklist (Version 1.2)


To provide guidelines and instruction to ensure all moves are done in a timely and efficient manner, this procedure will outline the steps and procedures for an on or off campus move. Contact information for specific departments can be found on the Move Contact List below.


  1. Planning the move:
    1. For small office personnel moves that involve a few people and do not require any preparation of the new space (paint or furniture rearrangement), these moves can be handled through a single work order to facilities.
    2. For all other moves, notify the maintenance foreman (x5447), who will coordinate a meeting to discuss the scope of the move and preparation of the new space. If multiple departments are moving, each department will need to designate a point of contact for the move.
    3. The move checklist should be used as a guideline for the upcoming move. Email to communicate the upcoming move to ITS, Telecom and Facilities. Contact information for different services can be found on the Move Contact List.
    4. Large off campus moves: If your department is moving off campus or has an off campus clinic move, the Facilities department may recommend contract movers be hired to conduct the move.
    5. Facilities personnel will not be responsible for:
      1. Packing or unpacking.
      2. Moving experiments, research materials or chemicals
      3. Personal property. In the event of loss or damage, Facilities personnel cannot be held liable for personal property.
      4. Delicate equipment. It will be the responsibility of the department to have specialized movers on site for moving these items. The department will be responsible for scheduling these movers and for payment of all costs incurred.
  1. Work Order Entry: A work order must be entered at least two weeks before the move needs to occur. The Maintenance Foreman will enter this as part of their collaboration. Crate delivery, move date, beginning and ending locations, UNTHSC asset tag information must be included.
  2. Destination Floor Plan: Develop a floor plan for each destination.
    1. Measure to ensure everything moving will fit in the new space. Facilities personnel must follow the UNTHSC Safety Office guidelines and will not place items in hallways or chases or in a walkway that blocks the exit route. Contact the Maintenance Foreman if help is needed developing a floor plan.
    2. Place the floor plan showing the placement of all furniture and equipment on each door. There will be an additional charge of $35 per hour, if maintenance or ITS is called back to change the configuration of the office or lab.
  3. Moving Crates: Facilities can supply a small number of moving crates to loan for on campus moves. Enter a Work Order for the number of crates needed for your move. If your move requires more crates than facilities can provide, crates can be rented for your move when provided with an account number to be charged.  This will be determined during your move meeting with the Facilities Maintenance Foreman.
  4. Packing for the move:
    1. The person or department that is moving is responsible for packing and unpacking for the move.
    2. A gondola can be requested from Custodial for large volumes of trash. Contact custodial when it’s ready to be emptied.
    3. Heavy items and lab equipment including freezers and refrigerators must be emptied before they can be moved.
    4. If freezers need to be thawed, please call Maintenance Foreman to arrange defrosting.
    5. Contact the Safety Office to remove all unwanted chemicals.
    6. DO NOT pack chemicals into moving crates.
    7. Contact the Safety Office for any radioactive lab equipment, or lasers that will be moving.
    8. All personal items and items from your desk need to be packed in boxes and is the responsibility of the owner to label, move, and unpack after moving.
    9. Pack crates and stack on dollies for the move. Make sure crates can be closed when stacked.
    10. All small items should be placed into a box or moving crate.
    11. All file cabinets must be emptied and packed before the move.
    12. All computers and printers need to be disconnected completely.
    13. Place a destination label on the side of each crate, box and items too large to pack. If the crate or box is not labeled, Facilities will move the item but cannot ensure it will arrive at the correct location.
    14. Your department may be subject to an Inter-Department Transfer (IDT) if:
      1. Biohazard cleanup or disposal is required, or
      2. If there is a large amount of cleanup required
  1. Move Day:
    1. Turn off all computers and equipment that will be moving before the crew arrives.
    2. To ensure the timely delivery of mail and purchased goods, notify Mail Services and Central Services of your new location.
  1. After the Move:
    1. In most cases, moving crates must be returned to Facilities within 1 week. Enter a work order for the empty crates to be picked up. If crates are not emptied within one week, your department will be charged a daily fee of $0.59 per crate until they are returned.
    2. Notify Property Control of all asset numbers that have moved to a new location.

Move Contact List

Move computers and printers/copiers Information Technology Submit a work order via ServiceNow:

1.      Computer move: Home |Desktop Services | HSC Hardware Move and Transfer

2.      Printer/copier moveClassrooms, Labs, & Printing | HSC Move Printer/Copier Request

Move phones and faxes Telecommunications Submit a work order via ServiceNow:

Home |Voice Communications | HSC Other Telecom Request

Extra Trash Custodial Services Call Ext 2182
Move Medical


Records Management Email Records Management Office or call x2515

For records archive

boxes and bags for material to shred

Records Management Email Records Management Office or call x 2515

Key Requests or Badge Access HSC Police
Locks, Painting, Move furniture, Move equipment

Moving crates


Carpet cleaning

Hard floor cleaning

Facilities Management Facilities Work Order

or link from HSC Connect

Need Furniture Interior Designer Furniture Request and Acceptance Forms

Call Ext. 5041



Hard floor cleaning

Custodial Services Facilities Work Order

or link from HSC Connect

Change Mail Location Mail Services Call Ext. 2219
Change Receiving Location Central Receiving Call Ext. 2155
Inventory Change Property Control Email Property Control

Move Checklist

Communication is the key to a smooth move.  The sooner you let the service departments know about your move, the better we can help you. Once you have your move date, email: and contact the Maintenance Foreman at 817-735-5447.  Please refer to Move Contact List for contact information.


  1. If more than one office is moving, the Maintenance Foreman will coordinate a meeting for all involved parties.
  2. Mark and identify on floor plan who is in what office
  3. Each department will need to designate a point of contact person for the move.
  4. Heavy or large items should be on separate work order & coordinated with Maintenance Foreman.
  5. Call or Email Records Management when moving records or when moving shredder box
  6. Submit a Key Request for new keys to the Police Dept.
  7. Email the Help Desk to schedule ITS to move computers
  8. Email telecommunications to move phone/faxes
  9. Email Biomedical Communications if necessary, to move copiers.
  10. Enter separate Work orders for each item below.
    1. To rekey new space (if needed)
    2. To deliver moving crates – include quantity and the location and date they will need to be picked up after the move is complete.
    3. New signs (only if new ones are needed)
    4. New space cleaning or carpet cleaning.
    5. To move furniture, equipment, crates, etc.… to new location. In the work order, list all items with asset #’s.


  1. Notify Mail Department of new location and effective date.
  2. Notify Central Receiving of new location and effective date.


  1. Diagram office placement of furniture, computer, printer, fax, etc… place on door of new office
  2. Quickly meet with key players & service areas to make sure all details are covered.
  3. Empty all desks, bookcases, and file cabinets – pack fragile items separately and mark “fragile”
  4. Pack personal items separately as it is employee responsibility to move personal items.
  5. Label furniture, equipment, crates and boxes with a specific destination. Place the label on the sides of stackable items. Secure the labels so they won’t come off in transit.
  6. Post in Daily News to notify campus regarding relocation.


  1. Enter a Facilities work order to install wall hangings after the move is complete. (List all locations & what needs to be hung on one work order.)
  2. Ensure that Property Control has a list of all asset numbers that have moved.
  3. Enter a Facilities work order to pick up empty moving crates.

The Facilities Maintenance Department takes pride in offering quality services to assist campus departments, student organizations and external customers with event setups.

Plan an event

  • Step 1 – Complete an event intake form at HSC Connect Event planning tab
  • Step 2 – Schedule room under Event planning tab on HSC Connect
  • Step 3 – Submit a facilities work order – 1 week to 6 months in advance

Event Planning Diagrams

(add floor plans of furniture setups and # of people)

Event Planning Information & Guidelines (Version 1.3)


The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidelines and information that will aid in the planning and execution of special events utilizing equipment belonging to the University of North Texas Health Science Center.

Scope, Responsibility, & Definitions

Scope of Procedure

This procedure applies to any person, group or organization planning an event that involves real estate, property or equipment belonging to UNTHSC.


All faculty, staff and students have the responsibility to follow this policy when planning events, ensuring that departments supporting the event receive proper notification. It is the responsibility of the event planner to notify the Facilities Manager (x5447) of any damage or loss to equipment that occurred during their event.


  • Equipment – for this procedure, equipment is defined as any furnishing or equipment used for events.
  • EMS – Event Management System is used to reserve specific rooms on campus.
  • FMS – Facilities Management Services provides various types of furniture and equipment as well as labor to deliver and setup event equipment.
  • CETS – Classroom Event Technical Services provides various types of audio/visual equipment and technical services for events, classes and meetings.



  1. Complete an Event Intake form. The form can be found at
  2. Complete a room reservation request per section 12 of this document.
  3. Complete a facility work request per section 13 of this document.
  4. When planning the placement of equipment in a building, an emergency egress path must be maintained. A clear path to each exit must be maintained that four feet wide.
  5. Facilities does not provide table linens.
  6. Furniture from the Four-Star Café in MET can only be used in special circumstances. Contact the Facilities Manager with questions at x5447.
  7. The café tables in IREB level 1 are not to be moved.
  8. The classrooms in IREB levels 2, 3 and 4 cannot be rearranged.
  9. When planning outdoor events requiring the use of equipment:
    1. Equipment owned by UNTHSC cannot remain outdoors overnight.
    2. If equipment owned by UNTHSC is being used off campus, the requesting department is responsible for securing the equipment from theft from the time the setup is completed until the crew arrives for teardown.
    3. All decorations must be removed from equipment at the end of the event.
  10. Once per year, all RAD Panels will be reserved for Research Appreciation Day. This reservation will span one week before and one week after the event. Any request for RAD panels during this timeframe will be rejected. RAD Day is typically scheduled during the first week in April.
  11. For events that occur after-hours or off-campus, FMS may charge per man hour for labor, or the current reimbursement rate for state employee travel per mile for event services in the following circumstances:
    1. Labor charges will be applied when setup or teardown must occur outside the normal operating hours of 7am – 5pm Monday through Friday. Labor charges are charged by the man/hour and fluctuate based on the number of people required to perform the task as well as the length of time it takes. The labor charge is $30 per man/hour for after hour services.
      1. After-hour labor charges can be avoided if the requesting department agrees to bring equipment inside after the event. Please indicate this option on the work order and coordinate with the Facilities Manager (x5447) to obtain specific instructions.
    2. A fee may be charged for mileage when the event is not being held on UNTHSC property. The rate of charge is $0.58 cents per mile.

Room Reservation

  1. A fee may be charged for mileage when the event is not being held on UNTHSC property. The rate of charge is $0.58 cents per mile.
    1. When selecting the start and end times for your event, include additional time for setup if FMS needs to change the furniture or layout.
      1. 30 minutes minimum for any layout or furniture change.
      2. If 12 or less RAD panels are needed, include a minimum of one hour in your reservation for setup time. Increase the setup time to two hours if more than 12 are needed.
    2. Contact UNTHSC Parking Department if parking spaces are needed for guests.

Work Orders for Events

  1. Facilities Work Order
    1. All requests for audio/visual technical support must be requested through CETS work order system.
    2. Work orders for event setups must be entered at least one week prior to the event.
      1. Requests can be entered as early as 6 months in advance. This is recommended for large events to ensure equipment is available for your event.
      2. If the details of a work order change or the event is cancelled, please contact facilities by one of the methods below:
        • Change on event day or next day – contact Facilities at 817-735- 2181 and provide the work order number and details of the change.
        • Event is 2 days away – email
    3. Enter all details for your event on one work order.  Include the following information:
      1. Date and time the setup must be completed. (enter all dates if the event repeats with no changes)
      2. Optional but helpful – Event name, expected attendance numbers, VIP attendance (provide titles)
      3. Address for off-campus events
      4. Setup details and layout information
        • Quantity and types of equipment needed (i.e. 60” rounds and folding chairs for 40 people).
        • Layout pattern – This can be written if it’s a standard setup (i.e. classroom style, theater style, dining, etc…)
        • A drawing may be a necessary if the layout is difficult to describe.
      5. Special instructions if necessary
      6. Teardown date and time
      7. Contact name and phone number (if different than requestor)

Event Equipment

Facilities has a limited amount of furniture that is available for event use. Below is a listing of quantities, sizes and restrictions.

  1. Round tables
    1. Large Round Tables
      1. Cannot be used off campus
      2. 15 – 72” round tables are used inside MET only. Events held in MET 109-111 receive priority use of these tables. Normally paired with 8 rolling chairs, but if additional seats are needed, 10 folding chairs will fit.
      3. 15 – 60” round tables can be used anywhere on campus. Normally paired with 6 folding chairs for a comfortable fit, 8 folding chairs is the maximum.
    2. Small Round Tables
      1. These tables can be configured as dining or cocktail tables. When entering your setup request, please specify the table diameter and the table height (i.e. 30” cocktail or 30” dining). These tables are normally used for receptions as a standing room only cocktail table. Facilities does not have tall chairs to match the height of the cocktail height tables.
      2. Campus use:
        • 10 – 36” round
        • 10 – 30“ round
      3. IREB use ONLY
        • 10 – 36” round
        • 10 – 30” round
    3. Rectangle Tables
      1. 100 – 6’ tables can be used on or off campus
      2. These table tops measure 30”x72”.
      3. If your event will require 50 or more of these tables, notify the Facilities Manager (x5447) at least two months in advance to reserve the desired quantity.
      4. A small amount of rectangle tables can be loaned out for UNTHSC sponsored events. Contact the Facilities Manager (x5447) for approval.
      5. Rectangle tables can be used inside or outside, weather permitting.
      6. Normally paired with 6 folding chairs per table but can also be grouped for a reception center piece.
      7. Sitting on these tables will create a bow that cannot be removed. Please do not sit on the tables.
    4. Rolling Tables with Modesty Panel
      1. 32 – These tables can be used inside MET only.
      2. Do not use these tables for serving HOT food. The heat will damage the surface.
      3. These tables have a modesty panel on the front that hangs down from the table top. Therefore, chairs are placed on one side only. These tables are ideal for classroom type setups or for panel speakers.
      4. Other classrooms on campus have rolling tables and can be rearranged as needed by the occupants but please remember to put them back when finished (EAD 524, 703, 714, 719), (LIB400), (MET 209-214).
    5. Rolling Chairs
      1. 125 – These black fabric chairs can only be used inside MET.
      2. 15 – Knoll Generation task chairs located in MET 119. When this room is reserved in conjunction with MET 109-111, these chairs can be used in either room. Otherwise they must remain in 119.
    6. Folding Chairs
      1. 300 – These tan plastic chairs can be used on or off campus, inside or out. Normally paired with Rectangle tables.
    7. Podium
      1. If a podium is not provided with the room, you may elect to have facilities deliver one from the list below. Complete a facility work order and include the podium request with other details of your event.
        • 1 – silver metal truss podium can be used either indoors or outside.
    8. Easels, Laptops, Acrylic Podium, Wi-Fi Hotspots
      1. The customer must contact CETS to request these items.
    9. Canopies
      1. Canopies cannot be utilized if weather forecasts indicate wind speeds, or gusts, of 20mph or greater will be present.
      2. All canopies must be secured to the ground with weights or stakes after assembly.
      3. 10’x10’ – 4 White, 1 Black, 2 Texas flag (on-campus use). Off-campus use can be authorized by the Facilities Manager (x5447).
      4. Leg weights, stakes and ropes are available for use.
    10. Removable Walls
      1. MET 109-111 is normally one large room. A wall can be installed to divide this room into 2 or 3 sections. If your event requires dividing this room, include those details in your work order for event setup. Contact the Facilities Manager (x5447) to schedule a meeting if additional information is needed to plan your layout.
      2. MET 124/125 is normally divided into two rooms. The wall that splits this room in half can be removed in sections. If your event requires removing all or a portion of this wall, include those details in your work order for event setup. Contact the Facilities Manager (x5447) to schedule a meeting if additional information is needed to plan your layout.
        • Testing configuration – 6 panels at the front of the room normally come down to make each side visible from the front of the room. Take down time is 15 minutes.
        • 300 to 400 attendees – Lower section normally comes down (This section extends from the West wall to the entry doors. Take down time is 20 minutes.
        • 400 to 500 attendees – Both sections (lower and balcony) sections come down. Take down time is 40 minutes.
    11. RAD Panels (aka: exhibit or poster panels)
      1. All RAD Panels belong to the Department of Research.
      2. All damage must be reported to the Facilities Manager at x5447
      3. When attaching items to the board, do not use push pins, needles or tape. The recommended fasteners are Velcro dots that can be purchased at most office supply stores.
      4. When your event is over, please remove all stickers and posters attached to the RAD panels.
      5. 37 silver aluminum – panel dimensions are 40.5” tall x 59.5” wide.
      6. To get the approximate size of the fabric, subtract 3” from each dimension listed above.
    12. Stage/Pipe & Drape
      1. The use of the stage, pipe and drape are extremely limited. Approval must be authorized by the Office of the President.
        • Please indicate approvers name when entering the facilities work order for setup.
        • For indoor use only.
        • The pipe and drape are black in color and consist of two adjustable sections. The size range spans the following dimensions:
          • Width – 7’ to 12’ using one section of pipe, 14’ to 24’ when connecting both sections.
          • Height – minimum height is 6’7”, maximum height is 12’
        • The stage must be assembled in 4’x4’ increments. The largest size possible is 8’x16’. Indicate the size desired when entering your work order.
    13. Moving Crates
      1. Moving crates can be loaned to individuals or departments for a period of two weeks at no charge. If crates are needed for a longer period, a daily rental charge of 0.59 cents per crate can be charged through the IDT process. Rental charges do not apply for crate dollies.
      2. Moving crates and associated dollies that cannot be not returned to Facilities will result in charges for replacement cost.
        • Replacement costs are:
          • Large crate – 195.95 each
          • Large dolly – 59.95 each
          • Small crate – 39.95 each
          • Small dolly – 39.95 each
        • 50 – Large crates (5 cubic feet of storage, inside dimension are 42”x17”x13.5”)
        • 152 – Small crates (3 cubic feet of storage, inside dimensions are 23.5”x16”x12”)
        • If outsourced rental crates are necessary, the requesting department will be notified of cost and charged though an IDT.
        • A work order to Facilities is required to arrange delivery as well as return of the empty crate(s).
          • When entering a work order for crates, please provide the following information:
            • Desired delivery date
            • Specify morning, end of day, or a specific time
            • Quantity and crate size (FMS may adjust quantity and size based on availability
            • Account number to IDT

References and Cross-References

  • Inter-Department Transfer of funds (IDT)
  • Entering a Facilities work order
  • Room Scheduling process
  • Property Loan Form

Lock Shop – manages the security of all HCS buildings.

The Locksmith is responsible for:

  • The keying and key issuance for all HSC buildings and maintaining the related database.
  • The design of all master key systems
  • Lock installation and repair, preventive maintenance of all other door hardware such as closers, grab handles, door openers, ADA buttons, etc.

New employees and employees who move offices or departments must submit a Key Request Form. If an employee losses a key they must also submit a Key Request Form and pay a lost key charge of $10 per key to the Campus Police.

To request a key please follow these steps:

  1. Fill out a key request form located on the Campus Police web site. Key Request Form. All requests must identify the building and room number for each key requested. All key requests must have proper authorization and employee ID numbers.
  2. Turn in the form to the Campus Police.
  3. Pick up keys from Campus Police.

Normal turnaround time for a key request is five days once work order is received. Keys are picked up at the Police Department.

Electrical needs include installation, repair or upgrades.  HSC staff can submit a work order or call 817-735-2181 for immediate attention.

Facilities has plumbers on staff for any plumbing needs. HSC staff can submit a work order or call 817-735-2181 for immediate attention or to report a leak.

HSC sets the indoor air temperature based on recognized standards of comfort recommended by the American Society of Heating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).  The ranges for comfort and efficiency are currently:

  • Heating Set-Point Range:  68 F – 74 F
  • Cooling Set-Point Range:  72 F to 80 F

For hot/cold calls, please call 817-735-2181 for immediate attention.

Our painters take care of any painting needs on campus (as set by HSC design standards).  To request work, please complete a work order.

Our grounds team takes care of all the landscaping, trees, and outdoor spaces on campus.  Please call 817-735-2181 for needs or suggestions.

Fleet Management is responsible for providing safe, reliable, and continuous transportation to the Health Science Center by ensuring a centralized area of control for vehicles and vehicle maintenance.

The fleet mechanic handles all routine maintenance and repair of fleet vehicles, and inspections. All vehicles are inspected monthly.

Responsibility for scheduling and reserving passenger vans for the Health Science Center is handled by the facilities office. Contact Facilities at ext 2181 for information. The Shuttle Van holds 15 people, including the driver and is wheelchair accessible.

A work order must be entered for vehicle reservations and the driver must be on State Insurance. Please check under the Motorpool Reservations for availability before entering a work order. For instructions on entering a work order for the motorpool click for instructions.

If your department needs to add a driver to the University and State Insurance, please fill out the Driver Application Form below and a copy of your driver’s license and send to Lily Perez ( at the Facilities Management Building. Once forms are processed, the new driver and their supervisor will be notified.

In case of an accident, please see the Fleet Management Policies and Procedures for instructions and you will need to fill out a Vehicle Incident Report Form.

University Driver Safety Requirements