University Driver Safety Requirements

Instructions:  This sheet must be given to all UNTHSC drivers when completing the UNTHSC Driver Request form.  The driver will be held responsible for reading, understanding and abiding by the safety requirements.  If you have any questions, please contact Lily Perez in the Facilities Management Office, 3416 Darcy, Fort Worth TX 76107.

Telephone:  (817) 735-2184
Fax: (817) 735-0155

Safety requirements for operating UNTHSC vehicles include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Must wear safety belts when operating or riding in a vehicle being used for UNTHSC business.
  2. Driver must possess and maintain a valid driver license. Driver is responsible for having and maintaining the appropriate class of license for the vehicle operated. Driver must comply with all restrictions and/or endorsements issued with driver license.
  3. Driver must comply with traffic safety laws when driving while on UNTHSC business.
  4. If the driver violates traffic law and is cited for this offense, the driver shall be personally liable for payment of any fine that may come due as a result and shall pay said fine on or before the due date.
  5. Driver is responsible for knowing how to operate vehicle prior to use. Facilities Management personnel are available to offer assistance in training drivers on vehicles rented from the motor pool.
  6. Driver shall not permit unauthorized persons to drive, operate, and ride in or on a vehicle owned by UNTHSC or rented for UNTHSC business.
  7. Driver shall not permit anyone to ride on running boards, fenders, or any part of motorized vehicle or equipment except on the seats or inside the body walls.
  8. No smoking or eating is allowed in any UNTHSC vehicle.
  9. No alcohol or drugs are allowed in UNTHSC-owned vehicles, UNTHSC-rented vehicles, or personal vehicles used on approved UNTHSC business.
  10. No alcohol or drugs may be used by the driver prior to the operation of the UNTHSC vehicle that would in anyway impair judgment or the drivers’ ability to operate the vehicle safely.
  11. Driver must not use vehicle for personal use, the vehicle is to be used for official state business only.
  12. Each driver shall fill out the mileage log provided to them on a daily basis and turn it into Facilities Management within 3 days following the end of the month.
  13. Each driver shall be responsible for purchasing fuel as needed and for making appropriate entries in the mileage log of same.

Drivers must comply with all UNTSHC rules, procedures/policies, and guidelines.

If a driver is involved in an accident in a UNTHSC vehicle or one that is rented for UNTHSC business/activity, and is found to be negligent, the driver and/or their personal insurance company may be held liable.

A moving violations report (MVR) is ordered for all drivers of UNTHSC vehicles.  A UNTHSC Driver Rating Evaluation form will be completed by the Facilities Management Office for each driver based on the information received from the Department of Public Safety of the MVR.  If a driver is found to be ineligible to drive a UNTHSC vehicle, the account holder in the driver’s department will be notified immediately.

If you have any questions, please contact Lily Perez in Facilities Management at ext. 2184.