Fluorometer : Fluo Time 200( PicoQuant, Inc), Time correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) System. Equipped with pulsed Laser Diodes and LEDs excitation sources, and ultra fast MCP detector.
Fluorometer Fluo Time 200( P.Q, Inc),
Time correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) system equipped with pulsed Laser Diodes and LEDs excitation sources covering range from 280 nm to 630 nm. The system is equipped with ultra-fast MCP detector allowing fluorescence lifetime measurements with the single picosecond resolution.
This system can be combined with Ti:Sapphire excitation and super-continuum source allowing continuous tuning of the excitation wavelength from 450 nm -1600 nm. This system is equipped with a regular sample holder (square geometry) and a front face adapter.
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