External Investigators
HSC is committed to maintaining our exemplary animal care and use program. We enjoy collaborating with external researchers; however, there are a few extra steps that need to be taken before the research can begin. The intent of this page is to provide a clear explanation of each step.
This page is not intended for HSC Researchers. For HSC Researchers, click here.
Meeting with the Attending Veterinarian:
In order to ensure our institution can accommodate the study, a meeting with the following should occur:
- Attending Veterinarian
- Facility Manager
- DLAM Assistant Director
- IACUC Staff (IACUC Assistant Director and/or IACUC Administrator)
- A representative from Environmental Health and Safety, based on hazardous use.
To prepare for this meeting, please have the following ready and accessible:
- A Flow Chart detailing all procedures and animal numbers in sequential order based on aims and years of study. The Flow Chart should include:
- The animal model(s)
- The total number of animals
- An illustration of the experimental design and flow of the procedures.
- Examples of flow charts can be found in the Forms section of the webpage.
- A Lay Summary of the project in a language understandable to a non-scientist with a 9th grade education. This summary should include the following:
- An introductory statement, which includes the animal model, the total number of animals, and the purpose of the study.
- A description of animal use from start to endpoint, with brief explanations of the procedures, measures, and time courses of the experiments involving animals.
- A description of how discomfort, pain, and/or distress to the animals will be minimized.
- Note: Examples of the Lay Summary can be found in the Forms section of the webpage.
PI Eligibility:
Once it is determined that our institution can accommodate the animal study, the next step is to determine if PI eligibility is needed. Steps for requesting PI Eligibility:
- Identify an HSC Affiliate to be a sponsor.
- Submit a copy of the CV/Resume to the sponsor. The sponsor will be responsible for submitting a letter of request for PI eligibility, along with a copy of the CV/Resume to the Executive Vice President for Research.
- The Executive Vice President for Research will submit a letter of status of eligibility and copy the IACUC Office.
Contractual Agreement:
Prior to utilizing vivarium space, a Facility Use Agreement must be in place.
- The DLAM Assistant Director will work with the researcher and IACUC Office to create a draft of the facility use agreement.
- Approval and execution will proceed through UNT System Office of Contract Administration (OCA).
Obtaining an EUID:
An EUID is required for gaining access to the electronic protocol submission system. To Obtain an EUID please submit the following to Susie Jordan (DLAM) or Katrina Gordon (HSC NEXT Innovation Labs) depending on who your first point of contact has been:
- Full name (first, middle, last)
- Phone number
- Email address
- Last five digits of SS#
- Sponsor Name
iLab Access:
IACUC Training Requirements:
The following Personnel requirements are needed in order to conduct animal research at HSC:
- CITI Training Courses:
- Working with the IACUC (Investigators, Staff and Students)
- Minimizing (Reducing) Pain and Distress
- Post-Approval Monitoring (PAM)
- Species Specific (based on species used)
- Antibody Production (based on work performed)
- Aseptic Surgery (based on work performed)
- Enrollment in Occupational Health and Safety Program:
- Complete the Medical History Questionnaire Form
- A copy of Td/Tdap Record is required to upload in the form.
- DLAM Handling and Training
- DLAM Policy Training
- DLAM Animal Handling Techniques Training
- DLAM Training Request Form
Badge and Vivarium Access:
A badge is required to gain access to the animal facility and some laboratory spaces. This can only be done once all training is complete.
- Work with Susie Jordan (DLAM) or Katrina Gordon (Next Innovation Labs) depending on who your first point of contact has been to get a badge made.
- Vivarium Access: Work with Susie Jordan
IACUC Protocol:
Before purchasing animals to begin a project, the IACUC protocol will need to be submitted, reviewed, and approved. Below, please find the steps for completing and submitting a protocol form:
- The protocol form can be found in the Forms section on the IACUC webpage.
- The Forms section of the IACUC webpage contains a training video and guidance documents.
- Additional assistance can be provided by setting up a Consult with the IACUC Office prior to submitting the Protocol Form. To request a consult, please complete the IACUC Consult Request Form.
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