X-Ray Safety
It is essential that faculty, staff, and students have enough information available to aid them in the safe conduct of their daily work activities relating to lasers and laser-producing devices. In view of this, the objective of The University of North Texas Health Science Center X-ray Safety program is to assist all levels of management in fulfilling the university’s commitment to ensure a safe working environment from X-ray hazards. Also, the X-ray safety program will assist both personnel and management in complying with the objectives of the Texas Department of State Health Services, Radiation Control regulations (25 TAC §289.301), and the UNTHSC Health and Safety Policies.
Useful information – Texas State Health Department
Laws and Rules – X-Ray Machines and Services
What is needed for an X-Ray Inspection?
Obtain a radiation badge
Persons needing a radiation dosimeter complete the application form for the request for radiation badge service. This form is to be completed by the authorized user for a member of his or her staff who needs the badge. The form should be sent to the office of the RSO. The RSO will issue a temporary badge, and a permanent badge with the name of the worker shall be ordered. Badges may be picked up in the office of the RSO when they are ready. The application form is available at:
Dosimetry Badge request form- REQUEST-FOR-RADIATION-BADGE
Fore more information please contact
George Osei, PhD
Program Manager of Radiation Safety
Phone: 817-735-2243
Social media